May 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Other

Potty training

I’m starting potty training tomorrow with my son and I’m a bit nervous for it. He’s been showing signs he’s ready. When yall started with this one or older ones, do you do nighttime separately? Underwear? Nude? For the first few days?

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D in Other

So done

How are you all communicating with partners? Especially the ones who don’t seem to be interested in being a parent? My babies dad has always been like reluctant? I have to ask him to do things, or else they won’t be done unless I do them. Like I get you’re exhausted after a 10 hour work day, but I’m home alone 6/7 d...

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M in Baby sleep

Ditching the pacifier

Has anyone gotten rid of the binky recently? We're thinking of doing it maybe next weekend and are wondering how it's gone for others her age. I feel so mean because she loooves them for sleep. They're a huge comfort item for her. (We only keep them in her crib) I am due with our second in October, and we think we w...

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Incognito in Family

No control of my life anymore

Anyone else feel this way and with having a toddler it's even more so. I'm ready to give up most days. My kiddo doesn't listen to me about anything. It's just a free for all shit show. I don't even bother trying to get her to listen anymore either because I know it's not going to happen. Any advice is appreciated. I...

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Incognito in Other

I'm so bitter

I desperately want another baby. I have a stepson and a biological child. I love them both dearly but I want one more. The problem is we literally can not afford it. We are in one of the cheapest (yet highest rated by the state) daycares and still pay close to 9k a year for one child. No way we could afford another...

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