May 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Baby sleep

Goodbye paci

Okay so my daughter is two, rapidly coming up to three years old and she still has her paci. I've mitigated it just at bed time but she still asks for it, I need helpful tips from seasoned moms on how I break her paci habit?

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K in Baby & toddler food

Toddler appetite

My 2 1/2 year old was sick and now seems to be doing better. Still has a runny nose and cough but that’s been in and off all winter unfortunate. He still has not gotten his appetite back and idk if I should be worried. He is already super picky so I can’t even substitute items because he won’t eat them. I’m trying. ...

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H in Baby sleep

Sleeping in their own bed

Has anyone recently had their toddler go from sleeping in your bed to sleeping in their own bed? How did you do it? We bought my son his own bed, even his favorite character bed (spidey) and put it in our room beside our bed to help him move out of our bed before putting him in a room by himself and he still refuses...

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M in Baby & toddler food

Picky toddler

I don’t even know what to do anymore. She only eats pouches, cheese and fries. She acts like I’m feeding her roaches, throws a huge fit. I’m at a loss. Help

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M in Parties & celebrations

DIY Kinetic sand

With just flour oil and powder for coloring we made this! My daughter absolutely loves it😁

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