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Here to discuss what it’s like being a boy mom. For current, new & expecting mommas.

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Incognito in Other

mum guilt

today i went round my parents house and my dad (baby’s grandad) always cuts his nails for him, never been an issue we use the baby nail clippers they get trimmed no issues what so ever today unfortunately grandad clipped his skin, completely an accident baby’s fingers / nails are so small, we’re always careful but o...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

Yeast infection not going away

I am 29 weeks pregnant. I’ve had a yeast infection since I was like 26 weeks pregnant. I have tried Monistat. I’ve tried what Doctors prescribe me every time I get done with it it’s back again

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Incognito in Baby sleep


Before you start attacking me, I know the safest way for my baby to sleep is flat in his crib without any blankets or pillows, but my baby has been dealing with reflux and it is so frustrating to see him grunting and squirming in his sleep and have doctors tell me my baby is fine. what do you think about this suppos...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
2 likes,19 comments

M in Breastfeeding

Stopping breastfeeding

When did you guys get your period after you stopped breastfeeding, I’ve been stopped for maybe 6 weeks and I still haven’t had a period I’m 12weeks pp

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C in Pregnancy symptoms

Nose bleeds

Has anyone else gotten nose Bleeds like this ?

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