June 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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June 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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K in Baby sleep


Little one has always been in a sleep bag and he’s getting a bit big for them now. I’ve tried to introduce a pillow and duvet but he cries and asks for them to be taken away. Anything anyone could recommend to help??

  • K
  • K
  • K

G in Potty training

How are you navigating potty training

Day 1 2 times my LG has just stood and wet herself not 2 minutes after sitting on the potty 🙃 I've been trying to put her on every 30-40 minutes and she does sit on it for a few then gets off and she's just weed afterwards 🙈 Any advice?

  • G
  • G
  • G

Incognito in Other

Mummy what’s app group?

Would anyone like to join a mummy WhatsApp group I’m thinking of creating one for mums to come on for advice and a general chit chat, motherhood can be so lonely sometimes and it’s just nice to have others mummy’s to talk to and share feelings etc. if you would like to join let me know and I’ll get one started 🥰

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E in Baby & toddler food

Constipated and not Eating Toddler

Toddler not eating properly, my toddler has lost appetite since sprouting her molars, is that normal and she is constipated, is this normal? X

  • E
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Incognito in Potty training

Toilet Training 💩

Hello We started toilet training one week ago. We kind of followed the 'oh crap' method. My son has done amazingly well with wees. He's managed a couple of 💩 on the toilet. However, he has been holding in poos 💩 for a few days which then normally results in an accident in his pants. For a few hours up to the 💩 hap...

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