July 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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L in Baby milestones

My daughter repeats everything but “I Love You”

Anyone else? 😂 I feel silly even posting this because no way I would put pressure on her or make her feel like it makes me sad she doesn’t say it. But my husband and I and our families we say “I love you” ALLLL the time to her. She even has a learn to talk book we’ve had forever and she mimics everything the babies ...

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A in Parties & celebrations

2 year check up

Oh lort she was a strong one to wrestle at the dr today. But they said she’s healthy but also a BIG big girl. Technically big enough to ride rides at the fair this year if she wanted to 😭☠️. We gotta biggen

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M in Baby sleep

Another sleep question 😜

Here's another sleep conversation for the group! My girl has only been taking 1-2 naps a week for the past 2 weeks! She sleeps great at night (7:45pm- 8am) but when it comes to nap time, she just sits/lays there. No crying. I've tried delaying the nap, wearing her put outside, but nothing. Once shw took a nap from 2...

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C in Family

Are all daycares like this?

So my son has been going to the same daycare since he was 3 months. He's always had a good time there, and his growth and development have been great! This week, they transitioned him up into the next room now that he's 2. I don't really know the teachers yet and honestly I can't get a read on them. They're both yo...

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C in Household

Daycare moms!!

I feel like I'm running out of ideas for food for daycare guys! Help! And also, I feel like I spent SO much time prepping at night. Is this real life? Can I make my life easier? Can I food prep? Tell me your ways please! We both work a lot and he's in school full time so i feel like I need to put more thought into ...

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