July 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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M in Baby sleep

Sleep&lack of

Up until couple of months ago our little one used to wake up around 7/7:30 nap between 12 and 3 max and go to sleep at 9/9:30…. We’ve slowly reduced the nap (like ending by 2:30 max) and sometime she didn’t even want to nap in the afternoon - we were stupidly hoping for her going to bed earlier but not a chance. She...

  • M
  • M
  • M

Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep regression wiping me out

Anyone else's LO going through the 2 year sleep regression? She has stopped napping, started waking twice a night for milk, stopped self-soothing 🫠 I feel like I've got a newborn at night and a teenager in the day! Going on nearly three weeks now.... please say it ends soon!

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S in Other

Night feeds

Is anyone elses 2 year old still drinking milk at night, my son has it at 12am and again at like 4am!! I have not had 1 night rest since he has been born. Any tips on getting him off? I tried one day going cold turkey and he cried so much he vomited all over the bed. Im so stuck! Any advise or tips would be apprec...

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Incognito in Baby products

Best nappies?

What nappies are you using for your 2 year old? Currently using pampers but it’s getting expensive buying so many for nursery and home. Any suggestions ?

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Terrible twos

I’m finding this stage really challenging it’s just so hard. She’s starting to speak but a lot of time she trying so hard to say something but I’ve no idea what she means. We’re both getting so frustrated. She’s throwing tantrums left right and centre and I just don’t know how to deal with them. I can’t leave her to...

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