Working Moms: Mastering Marriage, Motherhood and Your Career
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Working Moms: Mastering Marriage, Motherhood and Your Career

By Veronica Cisneros, LMFT

The balacing act between Marriage, Motherhood and Business can feel impossible. You’re not alone!!! This is your judgment-free zone, where we're all about lifting each other. Meet Veronica Cisneros – she's not just your typical therapist. The owner of Outside The Norm Counseling, a mom of three, married for 24 years, and the host of the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast, she's your go-to guide. Veronica doesn’t do bandaids. She’s all about challenging you outside of your comfort zone to get results. Social Media @HeyVeronicaCisneros Download your Free Guide

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J in Other

Can you get fired if your job finds out you’re pregnant before hiring you?

I’m asking for my cousin, she’s 5 months pregnant and got offered a position as a warehouse associate that she applied for. She’s worried that they will fire her when they find out, I feel like that’s discrimination but at the same time it is a warehouse and it’s a very laborious job. but if they don’t have any ligh...

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Incognito in Other

What do I do ?

Hey mamas so I’m beyond stressed, my job is miserable and not paying me correctly I’m being severely underpaid for my position and they keep brushing me off. I’m about 30 weeks pregnant it’s high risk and I’m in a lot of pain . My Hubs just irritated a back injury from the military before we let so he’s in too much ...

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  • Incognito

S in Careers


does anyone know of a legit company that has a remote job? my too good to be true job is finally starting to drive me insane. my toddler screams a lot as she is just full of energy and i’m also having a baby in 3 months so it definitely has to be a job that won’t mind my kids being around. TIA!!

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Incognito in Careers

Pushed to find a new job 😬

Okay, so I've been at my current nonprofit job for almost 10 years now, and I LOVE IT ♥ Have gotten to use all of my skills/ talents, am 100% aligned with the mission, get to work full-time from home with great pay and have moved up within the organization (I'm now nationally managing programs I used to Coordinate/ ...

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Incognito in Other

Scratch at Nursery

My son started a nursery in January. In his first week, we sent him in with a rocket as he loves rocket. A child at nursery tried to take it from him, a struggle happened, and the child hit my son on the face with the rocket. When he gets upset, you can still see the scar from this. Another incident, the same child ...

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