September 2024 Babies 🇺🇸

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D in Morning sickness

Should I be concerned ? 31 + 2

Today I was out eating with the family and then out of nowhere, i started having really bad lower backaches and feeling queasy and as if I had to throw up .. and within 5 minutes my body was dripping in sweat like my face literally was soaked and my heart was racing. I ended up heading to the car as I felt so weird...

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M in Multiple birth

2 under 2

Anyone else about to have 2 under 2? Or 3 under 3? Trying to take care of my baby during the 3rd trimester is absolutely exhausting! How are other mamas making it through the day?

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Feeling guilty

I’m 34 weeks and starting to feel very low energy and tired. I wanted to do more activities and outings with my 2 year old while she’s still an only child, but I’m struggling. I’ve been sick on and off all month and now that the colds and sinus infections are clearing up I’m getting Braxton Hicks all the time and I’...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Anyone else freaking out

Anyone else freaking out about being this pregnant and feeling like you’re unprepared and losing yourself as you become a mom? I’m scared and sad and stressed

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  • Incognito
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C in Other

Have to talk about this

Since literally I now have nobody else and my Husband is taking a nap 😂 I know this isn't for here but I just got a letter detailing that social security benefits are being cut for me because I was legally married in April 2024 and me and my husband of course do not care about that , but the possibility of me gettin...

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