August 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

help lol he has a appointment tmr but i just want to see what yall think

hey y’all, my son is 2 1/2 and since Sunday night he has had diarrhea and he’s been throwing up so originally he was backed up for a little bit like he was a little constipated. That’s always been an issue but recently he’s been just having diarrhea and throwing up for the past couple days so anybody know what to do...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Breastfeeding

Gentle Weaning

Anyone have insight into gentle weaning from breastfeeding? My little one still loves the “booie” and typically nurses right when I get home from work and once or twice at night. I have loved our journey but want to grow our family and doctor recommended weaning to help with ovulation. Thanks for any thoughts or hel...

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D in Baby & toddler food

2.5 year old has a strong gag reflex & met his O.T. this week

His OT narrowed it down to low tongue mobility (could be related to his tongue tie during infancy & has been released). We still offer a bottle during nap (we're actually letting go of the nap bottle) but we're struggling with the bedtime bottle. Which is also related to the low tongue mobility. He chews his food as...

  • D
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M in Baby & toddler food

Picky eater daughter

Hi, I’m just frustrated and need some potential advice on how to slowly get out of being a picky eater. It’s getting so bad that she would rather eat potato chips all day than other foods I give her. I’ve been doing the option based foods of putting new foods with the foods she does eat. But for me it’s so much hard...

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M in Childcare

Preschool Screening

Hello! My daughter is scheduled to have a preschool screening, and I don't know what to expect. She would be turning 3 at the end of August, and I'd like her to start preschool in September. She's never been in a daycare or classroom setting though. Any insight on what to expect would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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