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Incognito in C-section

No time given for c-section

I have a c-section booked for tomorrow, however I was given no time on my letter. It only stated that I would be given a time between 7am and 10am. I called today and they stated that they aren’t sure what time as the doctor hasn’t looked at the list yet and that they would call me back. Super anxious as I have to k...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Baby sleep

Transition to own room?

Hello My son is 7 months old and is definitely ready for his own room. He has slept through the night with 0 wakenings now since he was about 7 weeks. My partner is ready for him to go into his room but I just feel scared. I’m so scared something will happen like him stop breathing or get his leg or arm stuck and I...

  • E
  • E
  • E

Incognito in C-section

C-Section arrival

I know the hospital calls you the night before the C-Section to tell you about fasting and why time to be at the hospital. I noticed in my pregnancy notes app that my c-section is for 7:30am. Anyone that has had a c-section what time did you arrive at the hospital prior? I will be going to LGI for reference

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Maternity & newborn photography

Newborn photography

Hi everyone, has anyone got any recommendations for someone to do some newborn photography in the Leeds or Bradford area? Obviously someone good, but that doesn't cost a fortune?

  • K
  • K
  • K

Incognito in Other

Formula dilemma

I’m due for an elective c-section on Thursday at the LGI, in case my milk doesn’t come in on time I bought formula. Unfortunately it is powdered formula and I just read on NhS website that the LGI doesn’t have the means for me to prepare powdered formula. How could I pre-make bottles or has anyone successfully used ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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