September 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Legal

Medical debt question

My son was born almost 2 years ago. For his birth and hospital stay (including a 3 visit to the Nicu), my insurance covered everything except for $10,000, which got discounted to about 7,000. The amount was sent to collections, but I never answered the phone. After a while they stopped leaving voice mails. My cred...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Baby sleep

Late night wake ups

My son will be 2 September 13th and we have switched his crib into a toddler bed. Since March he has been waking up 1-3 times a night and fights going back to sleep. We are exhausted from trying to get him to go back to bed in his own room we ended up letting him in bed with us. From what I have noticed he cry's in ...

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A in Baby sleep

Sleep is good one day then terrible the next?

I feel like my toddler will have a terrible day of sleep—skipping nap and not falling asleep until later—then the next day sleeps better to make up for the rest. Is this just a sleep regression or do I need to try to change up schedule? She was napping from 12-1:30 then sleeping 7:30 to 7, but now she just isn’t sle...

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E in Baby care

2 year check up?

Did anyone’s doctor schedule or mention a 2 year old check up? After my daughter 18 month they said there aren’t any other check ups I need to schedule which seems weird to me. I live my daughters doctor, but I’m wondering if I should call and schedule a 2 year check up cause that seems weird lol

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D in Baby milestones

21 month old son don't talk

I've been trying very hard to get my son to talk but nothing is working please any advice 🙏

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