Autism Parent Support Group

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Autism Parent Support Group

Support for parents with autism or parents that have children with autism

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M in Other

Autism testing

How do you go about testing how would I go about getting my 13 yr old adopted son tested

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M in Baby & toddler food


Does anyone have any tips on how to give Medicine to toddler, so my sons suspected , we’ve been trying our hardest to get have medicine his eyes are all swollen and he won’t have his medicine xx

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I in Other


Hi there! I have a 9 year old autistic daughter (she'll be 10 in august). My daughter got her first period 2 months ago. I've struggled with how to explain what's happening with her body. I struggled with telling her that she needs to let me know when she bleeds down there so that i can help her. My daughter is very...

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4 likes,7 comments

Incognito in Potty training

Potty training, is this normal for our special kids?

Just seeking some advice regarding potty training. I thought my son who is 4.5 may be ready for potty training but he's had around 10 accidents just this morning. Is not understanding the concept of telling me or indicating that he needs a wee or poo and continuously keeps carrying on as normal. Only that it is in u...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
2 likes,21 comments

H in Baby products

Feeling really proud

So my a year old has hated hand dryers in public toliets and yesterday he said try hand dryer. So I put my hand under it to show him it's ok so he then put his hands under and dried his hands today I had to return something so he then used the dryers again this is such a bug achievement so proud always celebrate the...

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8 likes,1 comments

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