Autism Parent Support Group

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Autism Parent Support Group

Support for parents with autism or parents that have children with autism

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Non verbal toddler

Can a 18 month old non verbal, fleeting eye contact, babbling but no words and flapping hands live an independent life. Do early symptoms show higher level of support needed ? Or can this get better?

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  • Incognito

C in Local recommendations

19 month old ASD wanting mum friends

I have non verbal 19 month old boy suspected ASD. I would like to meet UK mums going through the same process as I have no mum friends going through this 🥲 I feel like I’m on my own with this.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Are these signs early autism in babies ?

-feet rubbing against each other -twirling wrist against floor -stopped babbling at 9 months and only whining -takes 2-3 times when we say her name for her to be aware Asking because we have people with autism on my side of the family and wondering if could be the case with my daughter

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S in Other

Autism & nightwakings?

So my toddler been having night wakings here n there for the past week n half. He does well falling asleep and self soothing himself to sleep, & has a good sleep schedule but he keeps on waking up in the middle of the night or early mornings. & he goes to an ABA center so we have to wake up early for that. Any recom...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Speech therapy (UK based)

Hey, so we had an initial speech therapy appointment yesterday for my little girl who is 3.5 and just been diagnosed with Autism having been on the wait list nearly 2 years. We were told that speech therapy isn't right for her at the moment and just carry on with what we are doing..even though she is clearly delayed...

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