October 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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T in Childcare

Any stay at home moms struggling?

I’m a stay at home mom with two littles, I live where it is dangerously cold and am struggling to find activies to do with my kiddos. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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R in Breastfeeding

Nipple twiddling

I’m just curious does anyone else’s toddler still twiddle your nipples when they are going to sleep? My daughter has done it since she was a baby and it doesn’t look like she’s going to stop any time soon.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

How are you dealing with the attitude( if at all)!

My 2 year old son is too much. Each time he does something and we tell him to stop he’s hitting or running off to his room and closing the door like a teenager. I’m scared it’ll just get worse as he gets older.

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Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms

Burnt out

Does anyone else just ever feel burnt out or just feel like nobody is grateful for the things they do? Maybe it’s my hormones but I’m just tired of putting so much effort into cooking all the meals that nobody seems to want, doing all of the laundry, dishes, household chores, etc and not feeling appreciated. It’s no...

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Incognito in Other

Two tantrums

Hi everyone, I recently had another baby (he’s three months now) and my two year old is just having such a hard time with the change. His tantrums seem to be never ending and he is just so mean (which I know might sound silly) to me and his brother. He hits, talks back and makes horrible faces. It’s just… a lot… he’...

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