Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario
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Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario

By Railey Molinario

This group is for women women who want to create the thriving relationships and lives they deserve. 🤎

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Incognito in Family

Am I the asshole?

My partner lost his father over 8 years ago and we live 3 hours from his home town. My partner out of the blue wants to visit his home town on his father’s anniversary for almost 4 days. Which I have no problem with but I’m annoyed is gotta take time off work for the week, he doesn’t get leave. Near Christmas, pl...

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Incognito in Relationships

How to start a difficult conversation

Me and my husband went through a rough patch with awful communication. I tried to get therapy and better myself, whilst looking at ways to improve our relationship. He ( i snooped) sought porn and searched dating websites rather than discussed his geeling with me. Turns out, after finally having a convo, he was a...

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Incognito in Family

Is sex divorce worthy?

Apart from many things not being the same at the start of marriage, my husband kept his obsession of sex quiet. After 5 years of marriage, he finally spoke about it. Only issue is, I really don't think I can keep up to it. He wants sex every day, and expects it. Since opening up about his sexual fantasies, he has ...

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Incognito in Other

I don't know how to word the way this makes me feel. Advice please!

Our daughter is staying with my mom tonight. We don't often have alone time. This evening I tried to have sexy time and my husband told me he just isn't in the mood. That's fine, if you're not feeling it then I won't pressure you. ....but I noticed an hour later that he was taking a long time in the bathroom. I go...

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  • Incognito

S in Relationships

On the phone all day

Does anyone’s spouse want to talk on the phone with you all day, while they are at work????

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