Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario
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Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario

By Railey Molinario

This group is for women women who want to create the thriving relationships and lives they deserve. 🤎

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Incognito in Birth control

Can't feel a thing!

In the beginning of our relationship/marriage my husband and I sex life was great. I would orgasm majority of the time and even if I didn't it still was good. However for the past few years sex has been a chore simply because I can't feel anything! I rarely feel pleasure from penetration anymore when I used to and I...

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Incognito in Family


So, lately I have this overwhelming feeling that my husband is talking to other woman. He takes his phone everywhere he goes and sometimes even sits on it when we’re next to each other (which I think is just odd) he stays in bed a lot even though we have a 10m old and I’m pregnant (3rd trimester) he says he’s sleepi...

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Incognito in LGBTQ+


Omg i had a feeling but i know now for sure my boyfriend/the father of my child likes transgender porn and at one point was texting one and I honestly just don’t know how to feel. I am literally in complete shock . Words of encouragement, please

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Incognito in Family

Am I being unreasonable?

So my husband works nights currently he begins work at 6pm and is home roughly half 6 in the morning. He of course needs to sleep so I take my son downstairs to begin our day whilst my husband sleeps but he stays in bed until 5pm and then gets ready and immediately leaves for work again. I’m just feeling really lone...

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Incognito in Single parents

Just need to vent or maybe need advice

My child’s father and I have been through ALOT in the last 5 years we’ve been together. We’ve been separated for almost a year and about a month since he moved out of state. A part of me really wants to give us another chance but the other part of me just can’t get past the things he’s done to me and vice versa. I l...

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