November 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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J in Other

Flying with a toddler

Hi everyone. We’re flying with Jet2 on holiday in 2 weeks with our little girl & I’m wondering if anyone knows if we can bring food, snacks on the flight & through security? eg. fruit, yogurts, crackers etc? If not which snacks, food, did you take for flying?

  • J
  • J
  • J

E in Baby swimming

Armbands or ring for swimming?

We are off on holiday next week for a week and want to take little one swimming. What does everyone use to take their baby swimming e.g. armbands, swim ring etc? Thank you ☺️

  • E
  • E
  • E

Incognito in Baby milestones

Talking - feeling lost

My little girl can say a few words- mum, dad, up, more, head, hat, cat, all done, hair, and probably more but I cannot remember. Should I be worried as she still babbling a lot And we read and talk all the time. We give everything name and sing Not sure what else I can be doing at home ?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Anyone else??

My 20 month old has always been such a good sleeper. She asks to go to bed and then puts herself to sleep within minutes. Suddenly things have changed. For the past week she has asked to go but then screamed like she is terrified, as soon as she get's put down in bed. It's taking over an hour to settle her to sleep ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Baby milestones

Whinge noise

It is driving me crazy! She uses it as her main form of communication atm, whenever she wants something she goes “MMM”. How do I stop her from doing it please 😭

  • C
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