May 2024 Babies 🇺🇸

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C in Baby movement

LO only wants to be held and walked

My two month old only wants me to hold him and walk him around. I can’t sit and hold him, I have to constantly be moving or he will fuss. He also isn’t sleeping as good as he used to. He hardly naps during the day and at night his sleep has regressed a little. He isn’t running a fever or act like he’s sick but he’s ...

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C in Baby sleep

Contact Sleeping

Is anyone struggling to get their little one to not want to sleep unless it is contact? Nap and bedtime

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N in Baby sleep


Baby boy just doesn’t want to nap today 😭😭. I can’t get any household chores done. I swear he’s been up since 730am and it’s 130ish pm here now. He has taken 5 minute naps then he’s up again!

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C in Breastfeeding

Any EBF moms feel like they’re constantly feeding their baby?

I asked my lactation consultant if it’s possible to over feed you LO if you’re EBF, and she said it wasn’t, but dang my girl is always eating. Anyone else feel like their baby is always on their boob? I love this special time but I’m wondering how she’s going to take to a bottle when I have to go back to work.

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C in Baby sleep

Too much sleep?

My LO is 7 weeks almost 8 and he sleeps alot. Never misses a feed but I do have to wake him up often to eat and sometimes he will go right back to sleep. We’ve gotten into a routine with doing things during his wake windows after eating & then he will naturally go down for a nap which usually is 45min to an hour but...

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