March 2024 Babies 👶🏼💗💙

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March 2024 Babies 👶🏼💗💙

For mums expecting in March 2024

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M in Other

Weaning help!!!

Hey guys! Looking for some help and advice with weaning! My little girl is 5 months in a couple of weeks and I want to start getting organised for when she’s weaning 😬😱 Just looking for recommendations for: Weaning charts to start her on Recipe book? Plates/cups Cutlery Ideally I would like to do a bit of B...

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Incognito in Other

am i doing something wrong? :(

my son is 4 months old and isn’t rolling over yet.. i feel so much pressure from hearing other mom’s experiences and seeing other babies hitting these milestones that I just feel like maybe i’m doing something wrong? his doctors say he’s fine but I can not help but feel like either there’s something wrong or i’m not...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other


Have any of you lovely mummy’s began weaning yet?? If so how did you start/what did you do and how did you find it??🩷🩵 (And yes I know you are suppost to wait till 6 months just seeing how others are doing😊)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

D in Other


So babygirl’s feet turn in…like a lot. She has an appointment for next month but what do y’all think? Has any one experienced this? do you think they will straighten out or would she most likely need braces?

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L in Baby & toddler food

Baby food!!

I was told by our pediatrician that we could start experiencing with baby food. We tried green beans last night and my daughter HATED them. Has anyone experienced their babe refusing a certain food? Do you just move on to a different one and try again a few weeks later?

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