Mummas of Twins/multiples.

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Mummas of Twins/multiples.

general support/friendship group for mama's of twins, triplets or quads. Understanding, non-judgemental place to chat, share experiences and parenting tips and life hacks with other like minded mumma's with twins, triplets or quads (or more)

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Incognito in Other

When did you do into labor ?

With my first I went past due and was in prodromal labor for a few days until I delivered at 41w4D . I know twins normally come earlier than singletons but for those who had a singleton and twins did you find a significant difference in when you went into labor ?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Multiple birth

Advice from experienced twin mums please 😊

Any recommendations for absolute must haves for babies and for me postpartum please? Bought so much stuff for my singleton 4 years ago that wasn't necessary so don't want to do the same with double! Thanks! 🙏🏻

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Hospital bag

Pre made bottles/formula for hospital…?

I need some help. With my first I breast fed for 11 months so I have no idea about formula. I’m due twins soon and I’m preparing my hospital bag and imagine I’ll likely bottle feed this time. What are formula mom’s packing for the hospital bag supply please ?! 🙏🏼

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C in Weight regulation

32 week MFM appointment

So I had my MFM appointment today, which went really well because I had an NST and I passed babies are looking healthy. We also took the weight of the babies and they’re measuring 4lbs and 4 lbs. 5 oz. do you guys think I should return my preemie clothes or keep them.. keep in mind Walmart preemie clothes is up to 5...

  • C
  • C
  • C

Incognito in Baby sleep


I thought the older they got the easier it was suppose to get? I’m 11 months in and I’ve been in survival mode for almost a year now and I’m not ok. I deeply regret wanting another and ending up with 2. They cry during every meal, every nappy change, they’re fine in the bath then afterwards it’s just screaming until...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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