November 2024 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Back pain & prescription

Has anyone been prescribed anything from their midwife for back pain? I did a post a little earlier, I’m trying all these different things and nothing is working. The pain is affecting my sleep and eating, it’s just awful and I can’t go on like this. All boots said is paracetamol but that doesn’t even touch the side...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Early pregnancy symptoms

Top tip

If ya’ll are suffering with calf leg cramp at all .. I’ve found magic solution. I saw it stated a few times and I just didn’t believe it. But my god it ends the cramp instantly As soon as the calf cramp begins, jump up and stand on that leg. With your full weight. It feels like your leg won’t take the weight b...

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E in Childcare

Nursery planning!!

All measurements accurate and to scale, what do we think?? Don’t think there’s floor space for a nursing chair unless I wait on some of the storage

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Incognito in Home birth

Homebirth on pathway D/high risk

I was out on pathway d/high risk pregnancy track after my 20week scan due to my arterial Doppler resistance (worry about blood flow from placenta to baby). I was really hoping for a home birth and am kinda terrified at the thought of being on the delivery floor at the hospital. Has anyone gone ahead and had a home...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby products

Thoughts on Moses baskets

Was thinking of getting a Moses basket and transferring to cot when too big. I’ve heard a few people say they found the Moses basket didn’t last long at all! Are they any good?

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