Incognito in Baby clothes
What shoe size does your baby girl wear?
My baby girl just turned 16 months and wearing size 6 (13cm) shoes, also seems quite tall for her age. Wondering if she has big feet too?
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Incognito in Baby clothes
My baby girl just turned 16 months and wearing size 6 (13cm) shoes, also seems quite tall for her age. Wondering if she has big feet too?
A in Baby milestones
Anyone else's 15 month old going through really bad separation anxiety? For the last week my son refuses to be put down and will scream and hold his breath until I pick him up 😩 on top of it, he's getting all 4 of his molars in at the same time so he's extra fussy. It's nonstop screaming and crying all day 😩
Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms
Is anyone’s LO drinking water in the sippy cup and then spitting it out? Any advice on how to stop her from doing it would be great!
Incognito in Other
Please help ! Has anyone had advice which successfully worked on how to get a later wake up ? Suddenly changed at 14 months
M in Baby sleep
Hello :) for those of you who have braves it, how did you do it ? How did you know it was the right time ?