April 2023 Babies 🇦🇺

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L in Baby sleep

Missing naps

How do you cope with days without a nap? Our son is having one of those, and it's really challenging. Please hit me with your ideas and tips! Thanks

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L in Baby sleep

Fighting sleep

I hope you can help me. My son is 19 months, never sleep trained, only cuddled to sleep (we don't rock him). In the past 2 days, we were all unwell and because of lack of energy, we brought him into our bed during the day to rest. Now, he's fighting sleep. He doesn't want to go to sleep in his cot, in his room...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Waking up at 2/3am and won’t go back to sleep

Anyone else’s LO wake up at around 2/3 in the morning and will absolutely refuse to go back to sleep? The only way we can get him to go back to sleep if he comes into the bed with us. He will nonstop cry unless he does. Yesterday we moved his cot into his own room to try and stop the habit of him coming into the bed...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Common illness

15 mth old fever after 2nd dose flu vaccine - normal?

My son had his second dose flu vaccine this morning and he just got a mild fever just now. Wondering if that's likely related and normal? 38.1degrees c. I keep worrying about fevers because he kept developing it when he was sick with RSV/ ear infection. He's recovered now but wondering if his current fever is no...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Common illness

Very sick boy with RSV

My boy has RSV, has a tooth coming through and had his 12 month needles 11 days ago. He's had a fever for 10 days coughing and is sniffly. This morning he decided he didn't want to eat or drink anything (he's only been having breastmilk the past week) refusing all solids. My MILs approach to this is that he needs ...

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