October 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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October 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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T in Baby sleep

8-9 Month Sleep Regression

My 10/31 babe slept so beautifully from the day she was born up until she was 8 months old. Now she’s waking up 1-3 times a night. We have been going through this for a month and feel like we are stuck. She even fights going to sleep now 😩 Yes- she’s hitting her milestones, crawling, waving, clapping, pulling herse...

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H in Baby sleep

Is this normal?

My baby is 9 months old he is breastfed. Before he would only woke up around 2 times at night to just eat and now he is waking multiple times to eat approximately 4-6 times at night. My husband says that he just getting bigger so he wants to eat more times. Is this normal? I also notice that he doesn’t want to stay ...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Why does my baby push or slap me when she’s frustrated?

All I’m trying to do is feed her or clean her ears or nose or mouth and she’ll get so frustrated and push my hands or slap my hand Anyone’s baby this abusive as well? Am I doing something wrong?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Activities for kids

Just this 😂

Not to worry, I supervise him with it. He LOVES this thing. Does your kiddo have any funny “toy”?

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S in Baby milestones

Ready, Set.... Crawl!

This girl is on the move! Pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and crawling as fast as she can. The problem is, we have hardwood floors, and when she gets to the edge of the living room rug, she turns into Mowgli 2.0 😂. As cute as it is, I think she's doin this because the floor doesn't feel good on her knees. For those...

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