December 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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December 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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E in Other


Do you manage to cook 3 meals a day for your little ones? Do you feed mostly purées or finger foods? Homemade or from the store? Would love to hear some ideas! I am so tired, I feel like all I do is preparing his meals and then cleaning.

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E in Other

Work from home

Anyone working from home with their baby? Is ti possible? I am back to work in a couple of weeks and will probably try to work while my baby plays/sleeps but not sure that will be possible for me…

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Incognito in Baby digestion

Babies poop

This may sound TMI but are your little ones now ‘popping’ normal I.e a stool? My little one is on 3 meals, morning&bedtime bottle but her poos are always runny. When we first weaned she had a stage of having more expected stools but not anymore. This is regardless of what we feed her so don’t suspect allergy etc but...

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  • Incognito

S in Breastfeeding


Anyone who is still breastfeeding - have your babies started biting?! It started about 6 weeks ago when he was teething and he hasn’t stopped - he looks at me whilst he’s doing it then laughs afterwards 🙈 obviously I have shouted a few times 😢 as it really hurts - but I’ve tried not to make a big fuss so it doesn’t ...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

2 naps - too early bedtime and wake up

Hello, How do you deal with the transition to 2 naps? My LO usually naps 2 to 2h30 hours a day with 2nd usually ending at 3pm max and then can’t make it until 7pm, usually goes to bed between 6-6h30 which is really early. She sleeps at max 10h at night so it’s a very very early start of the day. Should I let her ha...

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