Incognito in Baby & toddler food
Snacks for CMPA
Hi, does anyone have suggestions for easy on the go snacks for a almost one year old who can’t have dairy. Thank you x
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Incognito in Baby & toddler food
Hi, does anyone have suggestions for easy on the go snacks for a almost one year old who can’t have dairy. Thank you x
A in Parties & celebrations
What’s everyone getting their little ones for their 1st birthday x
C in Teething
Is anyone else in the same boat as me? My LG still hasn’t got any teeth. I can see 2 bumps on her bottom gum but no sign that they’re surfacing yet 😂 I’m not worried, just want to know if it’s just me.
Incognito in Other
How are we all getting on with the teeth brushing? Sometimes my LG lets me put the toothbrush in no problem but majority of time it’s near impossible to get the brush in. How are you doing it? I do it in the bath in the evenings and can sometimes trick her but it’s so hard to get it done!! I don’t want her to have a...
Incognito in Other
My baby still isn't eating a lot. We do dinner every night but she's recently been sick so her appetite had reduced plus she just eats very little and plays more. Doesn't like purees of being fed so she'll only eat what she wants. For the last month before she's been unwell she's started to feed for much longer espe...