October 2024 Babies 🇺🇸

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C in Signs of labor

Wow pain

So I'm told by the doctors at hospital and my ob that I am having contractions but they will not do anything but fluids (IV) until my cervix starts to dialate. They also said my cervix is thin which I don't know what that means for me, I'm 30 weeks and having bad back pain, with contractions but not wanting to go ba...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester


I’m at my ten week count down how many weeks do u have to go

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I in Early pregnancy symptoms

cramping at 26 weeks?

This is my second pregnancy, but is it normal to start cramping (lower abdomen going to the sides and lower back) this early? i was having bad back pain and lower abdomen cramping last night, and i get some pain coming and going now, nothing to strong or too long and not too consistent. Not braxton hicks because i’v...

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Incognito in Other


Anyone low on their platelets and iron for their 3rd trimester bloodwork?

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing


Feeling lonely while being 30 weeks pregnant is honestly another type of beast. Having a lot of family issues with my older sister who hasn’t been there for me this whole pregnancy as I was there for the both of hers. I don’t have any girlfriends, I give too much and people take advantage leaving me in the dust. My ...

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