Intimacy & Relationships
Brianna  is a creator on PeanutBrianna

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Intimacy & Relationships

By Brianna

Relationships evolve over time-especially during pregnancy/postpartum. Navigating that along with learning to care for a baby can feel overwhelming. I help support women in reconnecting to their bodies, feeling confident in their pleasure while helping couples to create deeper, more fulfilling intimacy through intentional communication.

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Incognito in Other

Financial abuse

Came on here some time ago to describe my husband’s financial abuse, and because it seemed like generosity, everyone was telling me it doesn’t sound like it. LOL 😂 NEWS FLASH. Financial abuse will indeed be generous to deceive you to keep and control you and its money so it has power. If you can relate, you have a...

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Incognito in Other

Speaking to ex

Found out last night that my partner has been speaking to his ex. Most of the messages are innocent, apart from asking her if she got married then proceeding to tell her he won’t be getting married. Lol. (He proposed to her, and I’ve got no chance even though we have two kids👌🏽) I’m upset because he made out like th...

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Incognito in Sex during pregnancy

Having a partner who knows you inside and out can be interesting!!

So I'm pregnant and I'm going to be honest I'm not happy. Our oldest is 15 and second oldest 7 soon to be 8 in a couple months... Me and my husband are in a good place. I just started a new job and this baby throws a wrench in our plans but make no mistake. While unplanned very loved it's just a lot to wrap my head ...

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Incognito in Relationships

Is This a Red Flag?

I don’t know why my bf of 5 months is commenting like this… Am I being sensitive or what because I know he’s not talking about me. We have a great relationship so I know that comment was for an ex. Do I say something now or after Valentine’s Day 😂😂

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Incognito in Other


I been experiencing weird smell, fishy or just not pleasant smell. I went to the doctor and did a swab the results came back normal. No infection. I usually change my underwear multiple times a day to make sure I stay clean so I’m not sure what else to do

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