June 2024 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Breastfeeding

Just got my period since baby how do I help my supply

I just got my period after having baby on June 1st. I had been getting an ounce a day for the last two days and today I’ve barely gotten any. I’m guessing it’s from my period but how do I help get my supply to stay or not run so low?

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Incognito in Pumping


Has anyone experienced Mastitis in early post partum, I already don’t make that much in milk supply maybe like 5-6 ounces one a good time and less that 2 ounces the next time I pump. I try power pumping that I still haven’t seen any results and now recently I developed mastitis on my left boob and I’m not getting no...

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Incognito in Baby products

Do I start to babyware or not?

My son is five weeks old and is going through a real attachment phase. I feel like I can’t get off the couch. Do I start to babywear so I can do things or see if it’s just a just a phase? Does anyone baby wear what is it like? I don’t want him feel upset , but I also don’t want him to get this habit seeing how he...

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Incognito in Other

Baby getting sick

Anyone have experience with their newborn getting sick? My daughter is 6 weeks old and I’m starting to get sick. I’m super super anxious about my kids getting sick and always think of the worst case scenario, but I’m especially worried about her since she’s so young. I’m wearing a mask around her even though she’s p...

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Incognito in Other

Weight gain

Is 12 lbs normal for a seven week old baby girl?

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