May 2024 Babies❤️

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May 2024 Babies❤️

For mamas with due dates in may 2024

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K in Baby sleep

Pillow for flat head

I’ve been using this pillow for my baby every time we lie her down or . Has anyone used this pillow and is it effective? We’ve been doing a bunch of tummy time and baby wrap throughout the day to help alleviate her head and only lie down the most at night. I’m just really hoping and trying everything I can to get m...

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A in Premature birth

Birth Story

☁️ Hormone Drip: No ☁️ Episiotomy Cut: No ☁️ Epidural/Spinal: No ☁️ Gas & Air: Yes but had to come off due too me not pushing hard enough.. ☁️ Induced: No ☁️ C-section: No (had a planned section booked for the 14/05/2024 - but little miss came before so I went naturally) ☁️ Knew the sex beforehand: Yes - Girl ☁️ D...

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C in Other

Early Teething Help

Hi everyone! What can I do / use to ease teething pain in my 2 month old?? All the teething gels etc are for 5 months plus.. any help appreciated 🙃🙃🙃

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Q in Parties & celebrations

Lil Ms Kennedy Ka’ior 2 Months Update

currently is 10 weeks 🤱🏾 recieved her vaccine went to her 1st party on 7/20 and did the most lol Started Daycare on 7/17 and is being spoiled by the teachers will cry until she get a bottle -drinks 5oz-8oz Take forever to burp 😰😣 enjoying bath time. Likes to flap her feet Talking nonstop- we say bumping her gums ...

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S in Parties & celebrations

Birth Story 👶🏽❤️

Baby boy came May 4 2024 via foley and pitocin induction epidural laboured 14 hours from 1 PM! Baby boy was born at 5:04 AM 3rd degree tearing but good care from Sunnybrook team

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