Articles & Expert Guides on Health & Wellbeing

Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Health & Wellbeing.

How to Keep a Healthy Relationship After Having a Baby: 7 Tips for Communication, Connection, & Intimacy

How to Keep a Healthy Relationship After Having a Baby: 7 Tips for Communication, Connection, & Intimacy

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Understanding Hyperovulation & What It Means for Your Fertility

Understanding Hyperovulation & What It Means for Your Fertility

By Katie Mill
Amenorrhea & Fertility: Can You Ovulate Without a Period?

Amenorrhea & Fertility: Can You Ovulate Without a Period?

By Katie Mill
Ovulation Nausea: Why You Feel Queasy Mid-Cycle & What to Do

Ovulation Nausea: Why You Feel Queasy Mid-Cycle & What to Do

By Katie Mill
Does Ovulation Make You Horny?

Does Ovulation Make You Horny?

By Katie Mill
Can You Get a Pimple on Your Labia? What Does It Mean?

Can You Get a Pimple on Your Labia? What Does It Mean?

By Katie Mill
Overwhelmed New Mom? 6 Tips to Find Calm & Rediscover Yourself

Overwhelmed New Mom? 6 Tips to Find Calm & Rediscover Yourself

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Can You Get Skin Tags on Your Vagina?

Can You Get Skin Tags on Your Vagina?

By Katie Mill
Why Does My Vagina Burn After Sex?

Why Does My Vagina Burn After Sex?

By Katie Mill
What are Normal Bumps Inside Vaginal Walls?

What are Normal Bumps Inside Vaginal Walls?

By Katie Mill
Innie vs Outie Vaginas: Outie Vaginas Explained

Innie vs Outie Vaginas: Outie Vaginas Explained

By Katie Mill
Can You Get Pregnant With an IUD?

Can You Get Pregnant With an IUD?

By Katie Mill
Can You Get Pregnant from Swallowing Semen?

Can You Get Pregnant from Swallowing Semen?

By Katie Mill
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Help with Childcare Costs

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Help with Childcare Costs

By Tassia Agatowski
130 Best Last-Minute Christmas Gifts for Everyone in 2024

130 Best Last-Minute Christmas Gifts for Everyone in 2024

By Tassia Agatowski
Nabothian Cysts: What Every Woman Should Know

Nabothian Cysts: What Every Woman Should Know

By Tassia Agatowski
Cervical Polyp: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery Tips

Cervical Polyp: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery Tips

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs
What Is a Cervical Cap and How Do You Use It?

What Is a Cervical Cap and How Do You Use It?

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs
What’s a Friable Cervix? Everything You Need to Know

What’s a Friable Cervix? Everything You Need to Know

By Tassia Agatowski
How to Check Your Cervix Safely: Your Expert Guide

How to Check Your Cervix Safely: Your Expert Guide

By Tassia Agatowski

From the community

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Bad visit with ex

So my ex visited yesterday. Baby was upstairs with my mom and he met me as I was entering the lobby of my building. He was upset because I wouldn’t let him inquire information about a security job position at my apartment building. So he was upset and mad the whole time. He was supposed to visit from about 5:15-8p...


Cheating husband?

Salam sisters My LO is 8m old, and I suspect my husband still has contact with his EX who is also married and lives in another state. I’m a very private person so I don’t seek advisement from friends and family because I want to keep the respect of my husband for my child’s sake. I’ve caught him multiple times ema...


Annual leave Dispute

I am due to return to work after taking the full year maternity off and have been to have a meeting to discuss everything. Whilst there Annual leave was discussed and I was told that I get less than what is in my contract. Apparently this is due to there being an additional bank holiday last year. It gives my amou...


😭 lost and confused

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Is it just me?

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Hey, can anyone tell me how their payslip was laid out when they received a mix of regular and mat pay in the month. I think my Trust payroll has screwed up as my July pay just has basic pay, it doesn't indicate any mat pay. I asked for my enhanced pay to be paid across the 39 weeks.


Baby daddy advice

I dunno what it is but I see so many posts on here with women seeking support with difficult situations/abusive relationships, and it’s frustrating to see every single comment always kicking off about the man, telling her to leave him and never look back ect.. as if it’s so easy. I never see any comments genuinely...


BEST prenatal

about 7ish weeks pregnant and morning sickness has been rough! BEST prenatal vitamins both OTC or Rx!! Goooo mamas!!!


For people with long term relationships

How many times has your husband or significant other messed up in your relationship. I’m just curious if other couples also have issues. & to be clear not like messing up in the house or something I’m saying a mess up revolving another person maybe not cheating but just something they shouldn’t be doing


Can't feel a thing!

In the beginning of our relationship/marriage my husband and I sex life was great. I would orgasm majority of the time and even if I didn't it still was good. However for the past few years sex has been a chore simply because I can't feel anything! I rarely feel pleasure from penetration anymore when I used to and I...
