Community Posts, Tips & Support on Health & Wellbeing

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Health & Wellbeing.

Bad visit with ex

So my ex visited yesterday. Baby was upstairs with my mom and he met me as I was entering the lobby of my building. He was upset because I wouldn’t let him inquire information about a security job position at my apartment building. So he was upset and mad the whole time. He was supposed to visit from about 5:15-8p...


Cheating husband?

Salam sisters My LO is 8m old, and I suspect my husband still has contact with his EX who is also married and lives in another state. I’m a very private person so I don’t seek advisement from friends and family because I want to keep the respect of my husband for my child’s sake. I’ve caught him multiple times ema...


Annual leave Dispute

I am due to return to work after taking the full year maternity off and have been to have a meeting to discuss everything. Whilst there Annual leave was discussed and I was told that I get less than what is in my contract. Apparently this is due to there being an additional bank holiday last year. It gives my amou...


Is it just me?

I've been on here for about a good year or so now, and everytime I match with someone either two scenarios follow: 1) we have great conversation and even meet up for just once and then never again. 2) we have okay conversation then never get a reply back ever again. Has anyone had successful friendships come about o...


😭 lost and confused

My husband admitted to cheating on me and swore it was only one time(this had happened months prior but he only admitted it then). I proceeded to stay because we had a kid and I was 18ish weeks with our 2nd. Well it turns out it happened more than once. The time he told me about, a time before that. And then a time ...



Never have I ever thought that having a child with someone would be so difficult. My child's father put me through a lot of stress during my pregnancy.He was there financially and there to buy things but when it came to emotionally he wasn't there and it's like hard cuz he got me pregnant. He has a daughter girl act...


Baby daddy advice

I dunno what it is but I see so many posts on here with women seeking support with difficult situations/abusive relationships, and it’s frustrating to see every single comment always kicking off about the man, telling her to leave him and never look back ect.. as if it’s so easy. I never see any comments genuinely...


For people with long term relationships

How many times has your husband or significant other messed up in your relationship. I’m just curious if other couples also have issues. & to be clear not like messing up in the house or something I’m saying a mess up revolving another person maybe not cheating but just something they shouldn’t be doing


BEST prenatal

about 7ish weeks pregnant and morning sickness has been rough! BEST prenatal vitamins both OTC or Rx!! Goooo mamas!!!


Can't feel a thing!

In the beginning of our relationship/marriage my husband and I sex life was great. I would orgasm majority of the time and even if I didn't it still was good. However for the past few years sex has been a chore simply because I can't feel anything! I rarely feel pleasure from penetration anymore when I used to and I...


Do you ever feel this way?

So before I have a moan, I know I’m extremely blessed to have my kids and I LOVE being a mum. I love my kids more than life itself. I’ve always been a bit odd and have struggled to maintain friendships because I get extremely down and I go radio silent for as long as I need to pick myself back up and I guess people...



No judgment please I had a one night stand around 2 months ago and decided to get a home sti test I was negative for everything else however tested positive for chlamydia (genital) I’m on my last day of antibiotics so thought my symptoms would be getting better how ever I’ve noticed in my vulva near the top I’m ...


Less hours…

Does anyone know if I work less hours at work starting now, will it affect my maternity leave pay? My feet are killing me standing on them all day so instead of 8 hour days I plan to start working 6.5 hour days but hoping it doesn’t lower my pay when I go on leave.


Need Advice from SAHMs

I need some advice from my SAHM, so I was thinking of quitting my part time job so I can stay home and take care of my baby girl and relax from work. This job has this new policy where they can fire you for how many time you’re late for work or how many time you called out. So to me it doesn’t matter if your kid is ...


Single mama of 5

How do u get through going to dr appointments & possibly being alone in ur c section 😭I’m recently single & don’t have anyone now I’m in the hospital getting iv done bc everything I eat or drink I get severe cramps and go to the bathroom for hours :( Anyone around Michigan Kalamazoo??? Besties



I know this is controversial. How do yall feel about hexing/cursing abusers?


Looking for mum friends

Feeling like I need to make new friends I have a 6 week old boy xx


Any one been to the gruffalo trail at bedgebury?

Is it any good?


Let’s be friends 🫶🏻💜

Hello My name is Megan I am 36 years young! I am a mom of 3! (16 ,almost 7 , and 4 ) I live in Levittown PA I am happily married I have experience working in a daycare and currently now work as a PCA in a school. Anyone looking for some mom friends you are more than welcome to message me! Let’s be friends!


Single moms

I’ve just been feeling so lonely lately. I’m a single mom to a 10month old and she’s been so fussy these last few days. I can’t help but wish I had a partner to help me to take the load off of me a little bit. Even seeing other couples makes me feel so lonely. Anyone else feeling this way?


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