Community Posts, Tips & Support on Work & Money

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Annual leave Dispute

I am due to return to work after taking the full year maternity off and have been to have a meeting to discuss everything. Whilst there Annual leave was discussed and I was told that I get less than what is in my contract. Apparently this is due to there being an additional bank holiday last year. It gives my amou...



Hey, can anyone tell me how their payslip was laid out when they received a mix of regular and mat pay in the month. I think my Trust payroll has screwed up as my July pay just has basic pay, it doesn't indicate any mat pay. I asked for my enhanced pay to be paid across the 39 weeks.


NJ State Leave

Anyone else find this process completely confusing and ridiculous? I have to file with my job but they can’t do anything until I file and receive confirmation from the State. Per state website you apply once leave starts, or within 30 days. As I don’t plan to take any time off before my leave, I am currently 37 week...


Less hours…

Does anyone know if I work less hours at work starting now, will it affect my maternity leave pay? My feet are killing me standing on them all day so instead of 8 hour days I plan to start working 6.5 hour days but hoping it doesn’t lower my pay when I go on leave.


Single mama of 5

How do u get through going to dr appointments & possibly being alone in ur c section 😭I’m recently single & don’t have anyone now I’m in the hospital getting iv done bc everything I eat or drink I get severe cramps and go to the bathroom for hours :( Anyone around Michigan Kalamazoo??? Besties


Pt jobs hiring

Anybody know of a place hiring, preferably 2nd shift. Just needed income to get me a place or my own. Charlotte!!



Can anyone recommend any UK online surveys that you can actually earn money on?


Uc question.

I took an advance out last year nearly paid it off got one more payment left but I found out I’m expecting a couple months ago and I’m struggling to buy some essential items that I been trying to save to buy but struggling like the travel system and a wardrobe do you think uc will let me take out another advance onc...



Hi mums! If we are returning to work in January, when can we apply for the 15 hrs free childcare? My application is ‘pending’ due to being on mat leave so wondering when to officially put through. TY! X


Work from home

I am looking for a work for home job Was looking in to Amazon influencer Wanted to do reviews but don’t know how to apply can any one help I’m a stay at home mom but want to make some money too


I'm at SAHM I always feel bad about not contributing financially ..

I use to work a really good job making good money, but after years of infertility, we both decided it was best for our family for me to stay home. I definitely don't miss the job. But I miss being able to help out financially. What do you guys do for a little side money? I would do like instacart or something like t...


Need a job

Does anybody work from home ? I need a job asap 😭💔❤️ Where do I look for a job ?


Advice needed please no judgement

So my partner is in alot of debt. I also have a credit card for him to use. He now wants to get our loft boarded so he can use it to make a buisness ( we are in private rented) hes asked and applied for me to get a loan of £4500. I dont work as have 2 kids under 3. Ive been approved and he wants to use the loan m...


Maternity leave commencement

Hi everyone! I am due with our 1st baby, a little girl, on the 6th of December. I’ve got enough holidays left to, in theory, take annual leave from the 6th of December until Christmas, go through the Christmas break & only start my mat leave in January, if this is allowed at all? Or does maternity leave have to sta...


Maternity pay

Hi, I’m not sure I’ll qualify for maternity pay. Can anyone help please?? I’m due to start a new position (in nhs) in September but have been a nurse (in nhs) since December 2022. Due to it being in a different position and trust will this affect my maternity pay when it comes to it? Please help not sure what to d...


Annual leave on maternity

Hi ladies I was wondering if anyone could advise / got an experience. I am not planning to return to work after maternity and just don't know when to tell my employer so I don't miss out on my annual leave while on maternity. I researched and researched, checked acas, maternity rights dot org and most websites say t...


Maternity rights

Does anyone work in employment law or HR or have experience in either? My maternity leave replacement has been advertised externally with the same duties as mine but with a senior stuck in front of my existing job title. The pay has also been advertised at 20% more than my current base pay. I am a senior member of s...


child benefit

Does anyone know if or how i can change my payment to monthly instead of weekly ?


Teaching salary increase

Hi mums, Not mum related but I heard that as of July 1st teachers received a pay increase. Can anyone let me know what the outcome was? Happy to DM if rather than post publically on here. I'm moving from Sydney to Melbourne next year with my young family. X


Seeking Remote Job Advice

Hey everyone! 👋 I'm currently on the lookout for remote job opportunities and would love your insights! Have you had success finding remote jobs, and if so, where did you look? Has anyone used FlexJobs? I have 2.5 years of experience handling billing, scheduling, phone calls, and admin duties remotely. I'm…


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