Why do people comment on your bump size?

Did anyone else feel like there whole pregnancy people commented on how “small” your belly was and that you “barely” looked pregnant??? I’m 39 weeks plus now so I’m pretty much to my biggest belly size
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Yes I’m 29 weeks and that’s all I get ever 😩🙄

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I’m huge now 🤣 but it was actually kinda annoying not gonna lie! I don’t think people realize it takes 9 months.. I won’t look huge all the time..

Yes!! I didnt start really showing till after 20 weeks and i got comments that i was lying about being pregnant, people dont understand thier comments cant be quite hurtful xx

Yes. Barely looked pregnant. But on the upside I had a small baby and the easiest birth. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I’ll be 30 weeks tomorrow and I feel like I’m small and been told so by a few colleague x

I’ve got it the whole time, I’m 30weeks and it’s all people have said my whole pregnancy. It annoyed me at first but I know everything is ok and the baby is healthy so I’ve not let it get to me now xx

Yup ! It’s annoying. I just tell them my baby is a perfectly healthy size according to midwife! Xx

Me too, 28 weeks and always get the same comment.. you don’t even look pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway we’re all different and so are our bumps so as along as baby is healthy and cooking well what else matters! Xx

A week before I gave birth someone said “oh so I see you’ve had the baby!” 🧐 like no sir he is still in there

Yup! 38 weeks and noone believes I'm about to pop!

Yeah. So many people at work didnt know I was pregnant for the longest time. I finally had the sunshine committee send out an email so I stopped having to tell people I wasn't just gaining weight 😂

When I was 9 months at Thanksgiving and like 6 days away from having my daughter I was told that I only looked 4 months. I was like I feel huge

If this is your first baby then you will look smaller than more seasoned mum's. I had a flat stomach when I was 7 months with my first and then after that I developed a large belly which caused some awful red stretch marks. I'm in my third pregnancy and I look full term and I'm only 6 months 🤣

Literally alllll the time I hear this. I also do feel smaller than when I look at other people. Pre pregnancy I was really small too though, so maybe that’s why I’m also a ftm.

I’m sure the other way around is more annoying to women though. The ones that say, damn you look big for xx weeks. Are you sure you’re not having twins?? I hear both stories from my patients all the time. 😕

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I’ve got to say I don’t agree that it’s more annoying the other way around. I’m 32 weeks and no bump, the comments I get are awful. That I’m harming the baby by not gaining weight, that something must be wrong. I think either way, comments on pregnant bodies are shite, big or small.

Ugh I’m sorry. I work in OB and everyone carries babies very differently. As long as you know baby is growing appropriately, tell everyone they can mind their own business. Blessings to your baby.

Lol no but grass is always greener. I’m just getting comments from my family about how *huge* I look and asking if I’m sure I’m not farther along or having twins. YES I’m pretty sure I would know thanks

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ye i always carry small

Yes!! I get so annoyed and at one point i got really paranoid thinking i was in fact small until my dr told me I’m on track. Still thinking of a quick response to it that’s kind of bitchy so people understand not to comment on a pregnant persons figure

Yesssss! I worked in a grocery store and customers commented on it every damn day

Not me, I’m just over here getting fat 😂

Yes! I’m 32 weeks and no bump. At all. (Size 10 pre pregnancy) People can’t believe I’m pregnant they just think I’ve gone up a few sizes! If I’m honest I’m sick of the “but at least you’re comfortable, big bumps are harder to live with” well I’m not comfortable I’m still pregnant and throwing up 4 times a day. It’s not a crime to want an actual bump, to look pregnant!🙃🙃

Well, I had twins and still got those comments! It’s like people expected me to be gigantic and I was disappointing them that I was the size of someone with a singleton. I don’t know why people feel the need to make comments/judgements about your size, but as long as you and your baby are healthy, that’s all that matters! ❤️

I'm 26 weeks and I can still hide my bump under some loose clothes and some of my clothes just make it look like I've gained a bit of weight. You shouldn't worry to much though. My advice: Ignore those comments. Every bump is beautiful 💗 don't let it get you down!

Definitely needed this post. My boss told me today that I didn’t even look pregnant 😕 made me feel like I was lying or that my baby isn’t well. I’ve been up since 4am worrying about my 20 week scan and what they may find.

It is horrible. Makes you worry. Doesn’t get any easier being the other side. First pregnancy I barely showed until it was time to give birth. This time I’m massive and keep getting the “Is it twins” “you due soon” from early on. Don’t want to go out now as a waddle whale 😞

Girl yes but don’t let it get to you I used to get all sad because people would constantly tell me that as if something were wrong with me but I learned to embrace and love my small belly I got to a point when people would make there comment I would say “ well its okay because i’ll know i’ll bounce back fast”☺️ I kid you not 2 weeks into post partum I was looking like I did before I got pregnant

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And my baby boy was growing perfectly normal so I didn’t let there comments get to me after

While any bodily comment is annoying and unnecessary. At least they arnt telling you, you look like a whale as with my 1st pregnancy 🤣 bellies come in all shapes and sizes. Only listen to your doctor.

People don’t think past the tip of their nose (is a Swiss saying) and since that is not far they don’t think before they speak. I didn’t get big either. Arms and legs stayed tiny just ended up with a belly and boobies in the last month. Also I don’t know about you all but being pregnant doesn’t mean you necessarily turn into a huge elephant. Some women really only gain the baby and that is it. And when baby is here they start saying things about your parenting and everyone knows everything better. Comments about my body went in one ear and out the other but comments about my baby hurt me!

Yes people tell me that all the time and it honestly gets to me considering that I am 29 weeks pregnant and have struggled to gain weight due to vomiting. It’s discouraging bc you feel like your baby isn’t growing but honestly I try to think positive and happy that my baby is healthy!

Yep whole pregnancy so far. I’m 32 weeks now, my mom swears I’m not eating enough or keeps asking if I’m trying to starve myself in hopes of having a small baby for easier labor. I’m like I have gained weight it’s just all belly or what belly I have, I’m just not a big person even before pregnancy happened. I have a belly but I guess it’s not like a huge beach ball under my shirt. I’m not still get into my size 8 jeans and some tops but that’s boobs, lol. As long as you’re healthy and baby is healthy and growing then gain as much weight as you and your Dr feel comfy with.

I’m 29 weeks and I just get told constantly that my bump is small/tiny. It gets on my nerves but I think people never really know what to say. I’m a beauty therapist so I get told this about 8 times a day. I’ve told my midwife and ask for tips to help. She said I’ve got to put my mummy filter on and not listen. The only people to take notice from are the medical team dealing with you and bubba xx

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All. The. Time. I’m 30 weeks and I definitely have a belly, but everyone mentions how small it is. I wear a lab coat at work and it hides it pretty well so when my patients find out I’m pregnant they go “where?” The other day I was walking with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and she goes “you barely look pregnant” So annoying...

I have a small frame and carried twins for the longest they’d stay in, and I was constantly asked if I’m sure there were twins in there??? Like excuse me? What a horrible thing to say to a high risk parent first of all, and second of all.. NO body size comments are good comments! Made me fuming every time I heard someone say it. Now it’s “you carried twins??” People never learn.

I just look chubby

I wish I get the funniest looks when people say your due any day now rite and I reply 8weeks left to go mate haha. An older lady said the other day she would pray for me lol

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This is my experience

Yup it was annoying

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