Whether you’re trying to conceive, exploring fertility treatments, adoption, surrogacy, or more, Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice whatever your journey to motherhood.
Can anyone give me tips for the best ways to help conceive? Our first daughter was a surprise but we’ve been trying for another for a while and haven’t had any luck. Staying anonymous as I know lots of people on here and don’t want anyone knowing we’re trying yet! Tia🤍
I took a pregnancy test after having strange symptoms. I have the marina coil but after speaking to the clinic decided to get a test even though the chances of being pregnant were extremely low if not 0. I’ve had the coil in for 2 years and no period since. I took a pregnancy test, Morrisons own brand, and got a cle...
Approx 11DPO, negative pregnancy test today. Am I out? 😭
So I’ve got my static smiley face this evening. When is it recommended to try and would trying twice a day not be beneficial? Thank you 🥰
Girls with long and irregular cycles.. What cycle day do you seem to roughly ovulate on? (Ideally those between 30-43 day cycles but any are fine lol) Started tracking my cycles again in preparation for ttc #2 next year, last month my peak was CD21 and before that was around CD14/15/16.. but this month I’ve barely...
I am not sure if this an indent or positive. I expected it to be darker if it was positive.
I keep seeing on comment sections on FB & IG (especially from child-less people) that it is super irresponsible bringing children into the world with the way the world is? Idk I have 4 babies and want more...
Me and my partner said we would try for another baby once ours is 1. I have really struggled with anxiety and depression. My baby is 6 months old now and i don’t know if i can do it again. My heart wants another one because i grew up an only child. The only reason we would be trying for another so soon is because my...
Driving myself mad. :(
ff chart will be posttin the comments and lh surges
These are two different tests taken on the same day. I have the Paragard copper IUD, and I noticed I haven’t had my period for 1-2 months. So I decided to check. Now I’m freaking the fuck out 😣
Hi ladies ..just looking for some support and your stories ...ttc for a year now and starting to get to me .how long has it taken some of you ? I have got children allready so know it's possible but just wondering if sth is wrong. Any advice? ❤️
Are the easy@home tests good for line progression? Took one this morning that looks maybe a little lighter than yesterdays but my clear blue one is darker
So there's a line but it's thin and half way up!? This was also checked on about an hour later as I fell asleep! I'm guessing it's just a problem with the test?
So i took 2 of the blue dye tests and both of them came out with a very faint line and one of them is darker than the other but i didn't read the test 5-10 minutes afterwards and the lines are blue could i be positive or evap lines? These are the same tests i took with my first daughter and the lines look similar b...
I hope this is not insensitive of a question. I mean no intentional harm emotionally.. its just something i just thought of today and wanted to ask on here. If a couple gets pregnant in the first to third cycle with every child regardless of their age.. does this mean they have good quality eggs? Does the duration ...
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