Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy

Thinking about adoption, fostering, or surrogacy? Peanut is here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real moms who have been there.

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Starting stims this Thursday!

After much delay, I am finally starting stims Thursday! Anyone else?



I think the reaction people have when I talk about how much I love motherhood and parenting is crazy. Why is it so normalized to bad talk being a parent and how hard it is? Rarely do I hear parents mentioning how much they enjoy it and that it’s made their life so much better. Here and there people say they love the...


Raising a baby away from family

We recently moved up north, away from all our family and friends (3 and a half hours away) because we just couldnt afford the rental prices down south, and then found out we’re pregnant two months later. Has anyone else had an experience raising your first baby away from everyone you know? I’m terrified!


Child abandonment

Has anyone filled for Child Abandonment to terminate other parents rights? I’m trying to figure out how that works my baby is 6 months old and her dad has never met her or wants to so I’m thinking about filling for termination of his rights since where I live if you go 6 months with out trying to see your child of p...


Beginning to hate being a stepparent

It’s tough raising someone else’s kid and then seeing their shitty traits come out of them. So unrewarding. Ive loved on this girl since she was 1 and a half and now she just stares a whole through me. Shes five now.


If you thought about having or already have godparent(s) for your child(ren), what are your expectations of them?

Personally I want someone who's gonna raise the kids closer to how I want, so I don't want the grandparents doing it. But I have guidelines that I'd like the person to follow.


Boundaries and wishes

My baby is 3 weeks old and people can’t seem to respect my family’s boundaries and wishes when it comes to our newborn child. It’s very frustrating. also, if our a parent and have kids I should have to explain why you shouldn’t kiss my child. People are weird af. I have no problem being rude to let people know that ...


Stopped at airport someone put in a port warning with police claiming to be the dad saying I am trying to kidnap baby I didn’t receive any paperwork telling me this was in place or anything

I couldn’t travel to see her actual dad because of this even though I have a court order stating I am only one with parental responsibility and that this person isn’t the dad and her birth certificate with just me on and she has my last name how was this even possible 😩


Why does everyone assume a 3 year old is in nursery?

I’m so confused by this and wondered if anyone has experienced the same. The amount of people that have assumed my three year old is in nursery is really weird. I’m pregnant with my second and people keep saying things like ‘At least you’ll get quality time with the baby while he’s at nursery’ or asking me why he ...



10 months old and massively ‘behind’ on the weaning journey. Worried that I’ve not yet given LO any of the big allergens e.g. nuts, eggs. Anyone else the same?? 🤦🏼‍♀️


One and done?

I’ve always wanted a big family. It took 5 years for us to get our baby girl. My mental health has been awful and the exhaustion i felt was something else. She’s 4 months old now and its getting better. I’m just not sure whether to have another baby or not, if we did, we would want them fairly close in age. I grew u...



Hello I don’t want to offend anyone and also not sure how it works, my baby won’t be christened but I want my best friend to have a part of my sons life a label as a “godmother” she isn’t christened either so I know she logically can’t be a god mother? Do any of you have important people in your life’s that have a b...


I'm about to be a boy mom any suggestions and tips on caring for a new born baby boy ?

So I'm due soon , and would love some tips and suggestions that was given to you , I would love it if anyone can give me some since I don't have my parents around for help on a baby boy I would appreciate all suggestions and tips I git a few tips on like always having a bandana on me / in diaper bag for a quick wip...



just wondering can i take my baby abroad without the fathers permission as his name will be on the birth certificate but the babys last name will be my name and he also isn't involved at all but still on birth certificate so would i need his approval?


Can you love an adopted child as much as your own

We really want another baby, but we are in our 40s already, and if it won't happen, we might consider adoption. But I am worried I am not capable of loving another child as much as I love my son. I would never show it, but also, I dont want to live hiding or pretending, and it won't be fair on anyone. I just want to...



Just wanted to share a picture of our beautiful baby girl…. A little back story, i have 3 step children, 6 months ago DCF showed up at my house telling my husband and I his ex had a baby 3 days prior and asked of we would take her because mom and dad were homeless and on drugs. I instantly said yes and within 24 hou...

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