Articles & Expert Guides on Planning for a Baby

Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Planning for a Baby.

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer (If You’re Symptom-Spotting)

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer (If You’re Symptom-Spotting)

By Katie MIll
When Does Implantation Occur? Your Full Implantation Timeline

When Does Implantation Occur? Your Full Implantation Timeline

By Katie Mill
What is Cervidil & How Is It Used?

What is Cervidil & How Is It Used?

By Katie Mill
At-Home Insemination Kits: How Do They Work?

At-Home Insemination Kits: How Do They Work?

By Katie Mill
Signs of Pregnancy After Stopping Depo-Provera

Signs of Pregnancy After Stopping Depo-Provera

By Katie Mill
How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

By Katie Mill
Does Mucinex Help You Get Pregnant?

Does Mucinex Help You Get Pregnant?

By Katie Mill
6 Tips for Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

6 Tips for Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

By Katie Mill
What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant Without Protection One Time?

What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant Without Protection One Time?

By Katie Mill
Can You Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

Can You Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

By Katie Mill
IVF After Tubal Ligation: Is It Possible? Your Expert Guide

IVF After Tubal Ligation: Is It Possible? Your Expert Guide

By Navya Muralidhar
Does Fertility Tea Really Work?

Does Fertility Tea Really Work?

By Katie Mill
What Foods Should I Avoid While Taking Letrozole For Fertility?

What Foods Should I Avoid While Taking Letrozole For Fertility?

By Katie Mill
Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

By Katie Mill
What is Antral Follicle Count? AFC in Fertility

What is Antral Follicle Count? AFC in Fertility

By Navya Muralidhar
What to do After a Positive Pregnancy Test

What to do After a Positive Pregnancy Test

By Navya Muralidhar
IVF Gender Selection: Is It Possible?

IVF Gender Selection: Is It Possible?

By Navya Muralidhar
My Husband Takes Testosterone Injections - Can I Still Get Pregnant?

My Husband Takes Testosterone Injections - Can I Still Get Pregnant?

By Navya Muralidhar
Pregnancy Test Readers: How to Read Pregnancy Tests Like a Pro

Pregnancy Test Readers: How to Read Pregnancy Tests Like a Pro

By Katie Mill
What Not to Do Before Taking a Pregnancy Test

What Not to Do Before Taking a Pregnancy Test

By Katie Mill

From the community

Recent discussions

Another baby or not?

Would love to know if others are planning to have more or are just sticking to one? Some days I think I would like another and other days I’m like absolutely no way! I really struggle on lack of sleep and the thought of going through the newborn stage again makes me not want to have any more! But then I don’t want m...


Could I test positive today? Do I need to wait another week (when my next cycle is supposed to start)?

I have very irregular periods but can’t sleep, itching to take a pregnancy test for baby #2. Yellow marks my “fertile window” and the hearts are all for unprotected sex. My cycle is different every month so my fertile window may have actually been sooner or later.


I am so confused!

So I have gotten quite a few positive test 7 to be exact most where pretty faint but still there I have 3 that are darker and I was completely in denial so I took a pink first response again yesterday 8 days late on my period and it was negative has anyone ever delt with this ?? I go in for a blood test on Monday!


Any advice

My test started of so faint and I don’t feel like I’m progressing 😞 after losses my heart just hearts I feel like I’m going crazy testing any advice what people think. App says I’m 4weeks 4days



You owe your kids. Idc what anyone says, you do. You owe them a solid foundation. You owe them unconditional love. You owe them your time. You owe them experiences. You owe them your loyalty. You owe them a lot. They didn’t ask to be here. Stop giving your kids the bare minimum.


Triplets pregnancy

Is Triplets pregnancy journey easy or hard?


Am I seeing things?

What do you think!? It's very very faint 🥹🥹🙏🏼line in big window and small window = pregnancy. For those not familiar with this particular test.


Colostrum Collecting

37 weeks today and just tried collecting colostrum for the first time, managed to get 2 full syringes so pretty proud with that! 😅 Feel like I could’ve got more but started feeling a bit sicky so stopped at 2, has anyone else had this?


Pregnancy test question

I’ve just taken this what are we thinking some angles you can see when others you can’t?? Is this positive?



According to Flo I’m 16 dpo I’m 2 days late I have irregular periods but never extremely tired just woke up and I wanna go back to sleep and I never have bubles in my urine I’m just scared to take a pregnancy test because of the disappointment really not trying for baby #2 because when we try it never happens so I d...