Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Is it selfish I’m considering this? I thought I was ready for having a baby but emotionally and financially I am not ready and fear I will ruin my baby’s life .my partner and I argue relentlessly and I just want my old life back I just want to start over . Is it selfish I’m considering giving him for adoption or fo...
How soon after positive test do you refer for maternity care? Do you need to wait a certain number of weeks?
I’m having my implant taken out next Wednesday and I’ve been on contraception consecutively for about 3 and a bit years… how long will it take for my body to go back to regularity so I can start trying to conceive?
Just had a negative test 12 DPO has anyone else had these and got a positive a few days after? Or is it just not this month for me :)
I've had vvfl for 3 days (11dpo to now 13dpo. Not progressing. Can it turn around or is it bad news?
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So, we have been tried for about 3-4 yrs now. Doctor started me on “CLOMID” (first round) on day 5. So we’re really praying and talking a lot on baby things. Idk.. my gut says I’ll get pregnant. But you know how that can turn out… :( I’m new to the whole idea on ovulation test. My ovulation symptoms are: cramp...
Do I have line eyes? Not sure how to make it negative (colour wise)
I have a short cycle 21-24 days - been trying for months and I never get a dark line on my tests which I find odd…only using the cheapies though so maybe that’s why! Is this a positive ovulation strip? Boyfriend leaving tonight for work trip and we have been trying for MONTHS now😔 photo attached - looks lighter but…
I feel so guilty for saying or thinking this but I feel like I’m a better parent after my second child.
Thank you for everyone commenting yesterday. I’ve done a couple more tests and i’m so confused. The first picture was as soon as I woke up and then the digital was a couple of hours later. Has this happened to anyone else where they get faint positives and then take a digital and it’s negative?
Hope you are all doing well! I'm 10+5 and I've already had 4 scans due to bleeding (big gushes at some points!). Baby is doing so well and we're officially further than we've been in the last 7 years so taking the milestone as a win. I've been diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma, which research seems to show is...
I’m gonna be completely honest this is my first and last baby I could use all the tips on newborns. I understand all babies are gonna be different but it might work with my little girl.
Can anyone give me some reassurance? The top test is from yesterday afternoon., the middle one is from last night and the bottom one is this morning. This mornings look a lot lighter? I’m worried 😢
9 dpo, (click to see all 3 tests) These lines appeared within 1 minute of me dipping them could they be positive and can anyone else see them? 🌈
Hi Ladies, I need your eyes and advice! Been TTC after a heartbreaking miscarriage in June and I am cautiously hoping this is our month. I had mild cramping most of Tuesday at 12dpo and noticed that evening I had what I think was implantation spotting. I am now 2 days late for my period but other than the spotting a...
I'm looking for how to deal with the guardians of my children because I have trouble living up to my word and I'm like the boy who cried wolf
We really want to but I’ve got so much guilt at the minute 😢 hoping to see if others feel the same x
Anyone thinking about having another baby anytime soon? im getting really bad baby fever but i want to wait until my baby is at least 18 months
So I took a test as I’m 3 days late and got a negative. I’ve gone back later and found this, had it just been too long and won’t give my a definitive answer? I have been on a pill without a period for some time so not sure on my cycle and if I’m even late but really wanted a positive test