Want to understand your ovulation cycle? From signs to symptoms, Peanut is here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women.
So I’ve got my static smiley face this evening. When is it recommended to try and would trying twice a day not be beneficial? Thank you 🥰
Girls with long and irregular cycles.. What cycle day do you seem to roughly ovulate on? (Ideally those between 30-43 day cycles but any are fine lol) Started tracking my cycles again in preparation for ttc #2 next year, last month my peak was CD21 and before that was around CD14/15/16.. but this month I’ve barely...
ff chart will be posttin the comments and lh surges
Hi! I am using the Clearblue ovulation tests for the first time. Currently 14th day on my cycle from 26-30 days. Been testing every morning and it's always negative. I use the app flo which says yesterday was the most fertile day, but the tests say the opposite.. Still breastfeeding twice a day so uncertain If I can...
Hubby is asleep and I’ve taken an ovulation test. Do I wake him now or will tomorrow afternoon/evening be okay? We did BD last night so I’m hoping later tomorrow will be fine?
Miscarried last cycle and this is my last chance to try before my husband has to start radiation right after Christmas (and then we’re supposed to wait 4-6 months 😭), but I’m cycle day 16 or 19 today (19 days since miscarried, 16 days since something like a normal period started) and my LH tests are still all…
My LH seems to keep upping & dipping, even though it’s low? Testing twice a day too. My original ovulation date was predicted on CD15 and now it’s guessing it’ll be CD18. I will keep testing to find my peak but is it normal to ovulate later in the cycle and fall pregnant? My cycles are between 27-30 days and CD1...
What does this progesterone test indicate?? Did I ovulated this cycle? This was taken yesterday on cycle day 23. I am new to these of the testing.
Hi all, brand new to all this so have a couple of questions. I’ve been ovulation testing each day and it seems imminent from my test today. This is high and line looks darker than control. How do I know when my peak is?? Also from here, when should we be doing the deed? How long does it usually take from a high re...
Does a faint line on ovulation test mean I am ovulating or no? I’m 11 months postpartum and don’t have a period yet. Trying to see if I’m even ovulating.
Is this positive?! I didn’t even get a peak on my ovulation tests this month🥹
Has anyone had a cervical check yet? I'm 36 weeks and my doctor does a weekly cervical check starting tomorrow. I'm nervous.. is it painful? Does it feel much different from the annual routine when they feel your ovaries? Is anyone rejecting cervical checks until labor?
CD20, 6dpo…confirmed with temp, strip test and digital test. Today I’ve been cramping and really bloated (feels more like ovulation cramps) I’ve had a little bit of discharge too. I’ve taken another ovulation test this evening and it’s came back high, is this normal? Period isn’t due for another 8 days. Temp pic ...
Pic in comments
I heard implantation can happen at 6 dpo and I’ve been feeling like crap today and my boobs are so sore so I took a test what do we think
i had my peak on cd11 which was 2.00 /2.30 first time ever according to premom its now 2 dpo but my temperature has not spiked up actually my temperature low first time ever currently 96.8 -97.52 which making no sense because im in a hot country atm whn im back home in the UK normally my temps are 97.88 and durin...
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