Pregnancy Tests

Whatever you need to know about pregnancy tests, we’re here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women who have been there.

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Your experience?

When did you start feeling symptoms? Test said positive today but sceptical 🤷‍♀️ i do feel the "period like cramps" very minor though. I am only day 1 of my "missed period"


Negative or positive

Yesterday I took a test and I thought I could see a faint line I took another this morning and I can see a line but I don't know if I am or no


Pregnant after having a NICU baby

I got a positive test almost after 2 and a half years later. I’m scared for this pregnancy and want it to go full term. Any advice I’m high risk.



I’m three months post and 2 days late, recently took a test and believe I see a faint line? Can anyone else see it too


Do these tests dry darker?

Does anyone know if these tests dry darker? It was looking negative, but now looks like there's something there. Got shadows on Wondfo as well, but negative on first response. These are the easy at home sticks.


VVVVVVVVFL or evap line?! Taken within 10 minutes

It is 2:45 pm so it's probably not accurate but all my apps say today is th day to start my period and it hasn't. Usually shows by now. But it's there. I swear. It's more obvious that any tests I've taken since my first pregnancy


Are these positive? Came up within the time frame both have color, period due in 2 days

*Pic in comments*


Jealous and impatient

just want to vent. I’m now testing negative after a miscarriage and just ready to try again but my OB won’t give me the green light until after I’ve had a period to help with timing. I tried explaining that bc my cycles vary in length my period isn’t a helpful predictor of when I’ll ovulate anyway and I have to use ...


Pregnancy test

Hey ladies, I just did a pregnancy test at 1:30pm and my result came as positive... I am just curious and wondering if it is accurate since I didn't do it in the morning... what do you think? I'll try again tomorrow in the AM next praying it's true >_< !



Hey mamas... i took a test 5 days ago and it said negative. I took one again today around lunch time.. my period is due tomorrow.. it says pregant??? Should i believe it? (Clear blue digital)


Positive at 9DPO?

Has anyone had positives at 9DPO? I’ve been having sore breasts since 5DPO and light cramping 6/7 dpo. Should I try testing yet? I’ve got some of the easy@home 10miu/ml tests.


yesterday I had a positive faint line on my FRER test

nothing now


7dpo 5 days till period

I know i may have tested early. But does this look negative? Because when I see it it's faint. I don't want to get my hopes up.


Positive test?

Had cramping last night at 9dpo & got the faintest of lines, I’d held my wee for probably 3 hours or so (top test) then tested with first wee this morning 10dpo (bottom test) I feel like my eyes are betraying me as we’ve been TTC for the last 4 years. My 6 rounds of letrozole failed & we were awaiting IVF referral…


Easy at home reliable?

Hi everyone. Ive read a lot of reviews on the easy at home pregnancy tests from amazon and how a lot of people have false positives. I took this test this morning, and it came up within timeframe. Does this look reliable? Im approx 10DPO and AF due in approx 5 days. I just feel concerned about all the reviews. I w...


Can you

Can you get 3 pregnancy tests with evap lines in a row ? I’m now 2 days late for my period.

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