Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Pregnant again?

Hello! I’m in need of some advice. I’m late on my period with pregnancy symptoms, so I decided to test. My local shop only had digitals in stock so I had to use one of those. It came up negative but out of curiosity I opened the test (I know test is now void). I know digitals have 3 lines and that there’s always ...


Evap line?

I peed on the window by mistake. Does this look like an evap line? Pic taken under 10 mins after test. First positive I’ve had (5 days before period due).


Baby #2

We were not trying yet but is this positive? Or is it a false positive?? I can’t tell if I can see a line in the bottom one but the top one I def can. I only took them cuz I felt really nauseous all day


Is this a positive?!

I have been trying for a very long time and I think see a faint line or I’m I seeing stuff?


Got my negative test today after MC on 26th Jan

I dunno how to feel, I never thought I’d say I’m ‘glad’ I got a negative test but I am glad it’s essentially over in a way and I don’t have to contact the hospital about it anymore. Let’s hope for a 🌈🌈🌈


Positive? Not sure may b dye flowing

7/8 dpo today , this appeared aftr 4-5 mnt. So not so sure. May b this is dye flowing. Plz anyone


Positive? I m not sure. Or just dye flowing?

7/8 dpo today , this appeared aftr 4-5 mnt. So not so sure. May b this is dye flowing. Plz anyone


Very faint line

How soon did you have a positive digital if you already have had one?



i took a digital pregnancy test 3 days ago that said pregnant and then another digital text tonight that said not pregnant. Thoughts??


Need advice

Alright mommas i need some advice. I just had my 3rd baby boy in november and am only 10 weeks postpartum. i took a digital pregnancy test and it came back positive. What are the chances it’s a false positive? Just saying also i got the depo shot before leaving the hospital.


Yes or no?

So I’m due on but have not been feeling right I think I would do a test just incase and one says positive and the other 2 negative. I’ve also had a bit of blood so I don’t know. I’m paranoid as I do not want another baby I already have 2 under 2


When did you get a negative result miscarriage?

Hey everyone I started bleeding on 31st January followed by passing tissue 2nd Feb I think I was around 8 weeks. Spoke with epu who said that it’s went on abit long and expected a negative result by now while I’m still having faint positives. Just wondering when everyone else got a negative? I’m 10 days since I st...


Positive or negative ?

I have been trying to conceive for a while now and I have very bad line eyes can someone please tell me what they think this says I also attached another photo in the comments.



Can someone tell me if this is positive or Am I crazy


Pregnant or not?

Hi guys! Took a pregnancy test last night and it came back negative. When I woke up this morning a faint line came. I took two more tests 5 mins ago and a clear blue digital early test and it all says negative. TMI, but my partner and i had a break from it but started again last week so technically only been a week....


9DPO! Positive?

Photo was taken within the read time!


Still showing a faint positive

Hi I miscarried on 31st January passed big tissue on 2nd Feb tests have got lots lighter but still a faint positive is this normal? Waiting on call back from epu


HELP !!!?! Hook effect? Or early misscarrige

Top test is over a week ago Second one is 4 days ago Two bottom ones are from today Why is this lighter ,worried about misscarrige?? I did take a clearblue digital 2 days ago and it said 3+ Is it ment to do this? (Had a miscarriage at 8 weeks last year)



I’ve been having some symptoms lately that have been making me wonder if I’m pregnant or not such as sore boobs, bloating, being more hungry than usual and more emotional. I took a CVS brand early result test and both results showed up within minutes. The top one is from yesterday and the bottom one is from this mor...


Ok yall so I had sex on December 24th then started my period on January 10th after that on January 28 I took 6 positive pregnancy tests they were positive so on February 9th I wiped and there was blood and still no blood when I wipe or

On pad I’m confused


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