Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

Very done with this pregnancy

I’m having a pity party if anyone wants to join? I’m on blood thinners for low PAPP-A, have got Gestational Diabetes and am on tablets for that plus blood tests 4 times a day (where I bruise like a peach because of the blood thinners) and the worst sciatica so am currently clinging to my tens machine. I can’t rest a...


10 dpo

In shock! Not supposed to get my period For 2 more days. Took a test bc my boobs have been sore and I have been feeling out of breath the last 2 days. VERY faint line - will test with clear blue later. Had a missed miscarriage end of February - praying this sticks !!!


How worried should we be? Borderline low semen analysis

My husband just got his sperm analysis and it was all at the very very bottom of “normal.” Technically only the motile count is “below normal values” but they are all at the extremely low end of normal… how worried should we be about this? Is ICSI likely? What can we do to fix this? Our doctor won’t be available to...


Asking Doctors for medicine for TTC

Hi there so a bit of background. I was loosely diagnosed with ‘possible PCOS’ last year - I wasn’t at the time TTC it was just that my periods became really infrequent. All my bloods came back normal but a scan showed some cysts hence the loose diagnosis. In the last 6 months I have been TTC but it’s been hard a...


Baby #4

My husband and I are so on edge if we want another baby or not. If we do decide to have one I’ll be having our 4th baby at 26 and he’ll have a 4th baby at 25. How did you decide if you wanted another baby. I’ll have 3 under 3 and let me tell you having 2 under 2 was a big transition and difficult.


WIC replacement

Not sure if you mamas are aware but if you get WIC go in before the end of the month to get replacements. They give you it all back


Is it too soon to want another baby

My baby is 16 months and I want a little girl


Trying for a girl 💖🌺💖💗

Any tips on trying for a baby girl lol. I have a boy already, but I would definitely like to have a girl 🥰


Am I normal?

I've only just started TTC. Is it normal to not be able to imagine that it could ever happen for you? I'm worried I'll never be able to get those 2 lines and I've not even finished my first TWW!


How long did it take for you to get pregnant?

I’m on cycle 6, is this a sign something is wrong? I feel hopeless and like it’s never gonna happen. I’m afraid I’ll need treatment I can’t afford.


Nuby rapid cool vs TT go prep

Which do people prefer? I find they both do exactly the same? Or am I missing something?


Anyone planning to starting trying for no.2?

We want to complete our family so If we fall pregnant in the next month or so age gap will be a little over 2 years so. Exciting but also nervous for challenges with a toddler and newborn 😆


Not my first rodeo

So this is no3 for me. There will be a big age gap between this one and the older 2 so I’m a bit nervous about how they’ll take it. Haven’t told anyone yet other than my partner so wish me luck!!


Finding it hard to fall pregnant again 😞

So I have 2 children already that are 5 and 2, with my first child it tooks me years to fall pregnant, me and my partner have both been tested and nothing seem to be wrong with the pair of us… it nearly 2 years to fall pregnant with my 2nd child too and we have been trying for our last baby for a while now and again...


PCOS and Pregnancy

So at 21 I was diagnosed with PCOS, I'm now 27 and 7+1 with my first pregnancy 🙏🏻 I've never had a scare or even a chance I could have been pregnant before so it's all very new for me! I can't help but feel nervous about potential complications with the PCOS. Any ladies had this feeling? I'm hoping this is just our…


April baby

Positive test yesterday after 4 months of TTC. Due daye around 4th April so really early days and was conceived on holiday in Sicily, where my fiancee is from so feels special seeing as they will be born and raised in UK. But I am TERRIFIED! Delighted of course but also terrified. Any advice for first time mums? ❤️


TTC at 42

I thought there were lots of women having babies at 42 and over, which made me keen to try. But now looking around I can’t see much and it’s freaking me out. Maybe I am crazy for wanting another when you’re 42?!


10DPO and I feel like I’m already out this cycle.

Honestly feel so blooming defeated. I know there is still time but I’m so beyond frustrated!!!!!!


Any mamas trying or convincing partner for baby #4?

Growing up, I knew I wanted at least 1. Then I was saying a while after that, maybe 2, but for sure, 3 would be pushing it. Although I am a tired mama, here I am with baby #3 and want to try for #4–possibly another girl, but either would be completely fine with me, just healthy and happy. Am I crazy? Hubby says not ...


2% morphology

My husband has been classed as medically infertile. Has anyone got any success stories conceiving with 2% morphology?


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