What percentage of your paycheck goes into saving?

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25% plus 10% extra when I found out I was pregnant to save for now while I’m on maternity:)

I did 100 dollars after paying for everything

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But my boyfriend debut card actually puts a certain amount of money in savings every time we spend money. But we can take it the the savings at anytime

Which bank is that? If you don’t mind me asking.

50 to joint checking, 30 to joint savings and 20 to personal savings

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Great budget plan!

10% and any left over we have from budgeting!

Idk when the last time was we could afford to move anything into savings 😂

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Lmao, this is us since 4 months ago when we bought our house. We are just happy to make it through the next check😅

We put 20% of paychecks into our savings. It’s hard to do at first but after awhile you get used to what you have for bills and spending. Trying to stick to a budget and open communication makes it easier.

None. We barely make it to the next pay. :(

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I can relate to that unfortunately

I feel mama! I’ve been working full time since last year March and I just started putting money into my savings two checks ago.

50% ish

Never a specific percentage, but whatever is left over from bills and whatever we want to buy or do for ourselves and the children.

So savings can be multiple things. 401k retirement savings? I put 18% of my gross into 401k which is all deducted pre-tax. 7% of my gross is matched by my employer. I also put about 13% of my net salary into a savings account. Savings for emergencies, rainy day finds, etc. are different than retirement savings and both are important!

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Can you budget for me 😂

Oh no, I don’t budget well at all. 😂😂😂 But husband encourages me to save.

My husbands whole check goes into savings and each month i take out our monthly bills/spending. I think 20-30% stays in savings, depending how much we spent each month.

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He’s the only income. We also have multiple life insurance policy’s on him, 401k, HSA, short term disability & a little in stocks. Our only debt is our house- which will be paid off in 6 years- we bought it 3 years ago. Savings never has less than 50k

We can't afford to save. After I finish school we probably will but right now my husband is the only one bringing in money and we can't afford to support ourselves and save money.

We save 100% of my husbands check. We “live” off mine. He does make more than I do

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Why not switch?

Similar to Ann-Marie above. All types of savings? (To include 401k, retirement, emergency and rainy day funds, etc) All said and done, appx 10% of husband's and 60% of mine.

My boyfriend does most of the saving for a house and I put 150$ in my daughters college fund each month

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Unfortunately at this time. None. We’re on one income and pretty close to being paycheck to paycheck.

https://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps You should try this method! I started out with debt, but I’m now on baby step 5! So 15% goes into retirement. I takes discipline, but it’s so worth it.

My boyfriend puts 50-100 bucks a month but every other month we have to take it out. His check goes to bills and food and mine pays the sitter so I can work because with more experience I can eventually make more money. Sometimes it does not feel worth it.

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I know the feeling

It depends on your situation. Saving 10%, 20% or 30% is a good amount to start.

We save 20-25% per pay check each month into savings.

We also follow Dave Ramsey and love it. We have 1k emergency fund. This is for unexpected things like tire and blow out, plumbing, etc. If you ever have to use it then you Refill. We’ve paid off debt except our mortgage. So both of our cars are paid off school etc. We have a 6 month expense fund. This includes 6 months of mortgage and total budget. And the rest goes into investment funds/Roth RIA. We live on 25% of our income so 75% goes into investment funds saving. We live very very frugal lives. We have a very strict budget and it’s worth it.

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That’s awesome! I can’t wait to get there.. right now I’m paying off credit card debt!!! Taking baby steps 🙌🏽

We’re expecting baby no 2 in August so I take $100 from each check and put it into what I call baby savings. We’re in the middle of trying to sell our house out of state so we’re staying with family. We’re paying more to cover daycare here and we’re paying the electric to help out my family. We’re not exactly saving right now but once our house sells, we’ll e saving more than $1000 a month until we get our own place.

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Pm you...

Dave Ramsey is our finance guru lol

About 65%-75% when possible never below 60%

Currently.... basically zero. But I don’t have any debt, so pros and cons.

None at the moment..living paycheck to paycheck

Living paycheck to paycheck...plz help if u can. Trying to get out of debt without filing bankruptcy 😟😥...plz help

I think 20% just like tipping 😊👍

We try to put at least 25-30% into savings

0. But I desperately need to change that. I just have a shopping addiction. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙈😏

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Give 10%, save 10%, and live on the rest

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What do you give 10% to?

We give to our church

I’d say 25-40% depending on how our month looks. We are also saving for a house so we try and put everything away!

About 60 to 70 percent.

About 20% if any mamas need guidance I’m apart of a financial literacy campaign and we teach free classes throughout the US and Canada. Love to help anybody who needs it

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I too would like to learn more

I'd like to learn more, please.

11.4÷ I wish it was more 😒 but we only get paid once a month and very little after taxes 💸💸💸

$500/month into savings. We put in more if we can. We live paycheck to paycheck.

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$500? I’d like to know how much talks paycheck is if y’all live paycheck to paycheck. 😳

About 10% and I have 20% or more up in investing. I’m investing and also a part of Digital Assets literacy campaign and we teach free classes and consulting throughout the US, Europe and Canada. Love to help anybody who needs it, ask me anything! ❤️

None. I'm in debt so there's nothing extra for savings.

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Been there! Hopefully you’ll get out of debt soon!

I put 50 dollars a month in RRSP, my sons education fund and our emergency fund

Well, I save about 25% of my check for a couple of days, then i go shopping. Haha.

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@Renee it’s also completely none of your business to judge

I wish i had enough to dave we r a one i come family and struggle. I use tax money for good stuff like disney:)

10% It doesn’t seem like much, but I was surprised how fast our savings grew


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Just a discover savings account

40%. I also have a pension that automatically deducts money from each paycheck. I make sure to live below my means. For “fun” I will do gigs here and there to pay for vacations, short trips and so on.

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NYC Dept of Education

I put away 50% right now but that’s just because I want to get on the properly ladder sooner rather than later. I reckon once I’ve bought my house and have nursery bills it will be around 20-25%

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20%. Put it away immediately and pretend like it doesn’t exist. If you don’t, you’ll make excuses for why you can’t afford to or you’ll spend it 😭 mine is in a capital one savings account because you receive high interest rates and it takes two days to transfer back, making me less likely to try to spend it.

We both save a big portion of our checks for savings & any extra money we get goes into savings too.

I can only afford 1% but at least it is something.

I don’t have a lot to save

My fiancé and I keep our monies separate but me personally : 8% of my salary/paycheck goes into my 401k and then I also try to do around 20% into my personal savings account! Most likely will change once my daughter is born though as daycare is $$ in Seattle and lots of it will probs go to her daycare 😂😂

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