New big brother

Hi guys! My 23 month old is taking a while to get used to the big brother role, I’ve noticed he tries to hit and throw things at his 5 week old sister I obviously catch him before he gets a chance to do it but is there any tips as to how to get him not to be so handsy with her? 🙂
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It took my daughter some time. I had to let her know to be gentle. I would try and get her involved. Like getting the nappy out, helping getting the bottle or clothes ready. Then during her little sister napping I would read her books play outside with her, and give her alot of attention.

1 reply

Thank you so much for the tip! I’ll keep that in mind x

My son has finally started to acknowledge his little sister. They’re 18 months apart and she is almost 5 months. We just do a lot of modeling on how to use “gentle hands” and when he is really gentle with her we praise him. Your son is still learning to communicate so it may look like he’s hitting her but it could just be him acknowledging that she’s there. When you do have a chance, definitely spend some good one on one time with him to fill his bucket. My son is obsessed with animals so we do a lot of pretend play and use that as an opportunity to also model “gentle hands” 2 under 2 is tough but I found that by month 3 it started to get easier. Hang in there, you got this!

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