Today a friend of mine reached out for advise and encouragement.. they have been trying to have a baby but no luck and it has been going few years now..
I was in her position few years ago.. Like some mothers having children for me is a miracle..Today I was grateful that this friend picked me to reach out too for encouragement and advise.
I believe women whether you are a mother or not, I believe all women should always lift each other up and encourage each other..
Little bit of my miracle story.. For years we tried to have a baby but I couldn't have children.. after 7 years we were blessed with our son.. it was a miracle to us.. there on I love to share my story because it can always encourage other women trying as well.. today I am blessed with 3 gorgeous boys.
Thinking of starting a Podcast to share my story and encourage other women.
Wow that is an awesome blessing for you to share with others!