Is screen time wrong for toddlers?

Hello! I’m new to this app and am a first time mom to a 15-month-old girl. I just want advice on what to do about tablets and cell phones with a toddler. My mom and husband like to put on baby videos (like twinkle, twinkle, ants go marching, peek-a-boo, etc) for my daughter and she is getting hooked on them. I’m not a fan of tablets/phones for babies/kids, but I know most people say it’s fine. It’s been two days that she’s been hooked on watching videos. She’ll cry to my mom or husband to put her baby videos to watch. I already said no more and part of me feels bad for doing so. It’s just not a good thing for them at this age in my personal views. Am I wrong for not allowing her to watch videos? She loves books and will bring us her books to read to her (even if it’s for a minute, lol) and I want to keep that going instead. Thank you! 😊
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It's not bad but there are pros and cons to that... my son's pre-k teacher said it affects their learning some how videos make kids mind want to have everything fast and books and most learning thing aren't going to move alone and fast. But kids do learn colors and there letters by watching the videos at a short age.

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Thank you! I do agree with with your sons pre-K teacher said. They learn instant gratification. Ohh! Those are the types of videos she watches when she does, like colors, numbers, etc. 😃

I’ve always been rather “no iPads” we do use them rarely for like plane rides or LONG car rides... I’m talking like when we move from a different state not an hour or two. I think young kids get addicted to em and a lot of parents use it as a baby sitter. My boys are 3 and 5. They find plenty to do without playing iPads. (My oldest would love playing on one whenever given the chance!) I do believe there’s been studies that screen time isn’t great for developing brains.

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Thank you! Yes, I have always been the same. I totally understand that we live in the day and age where everyone has technology at an arms reach, but I’m Just not comfortable with it. We took a trip to Oregon last summer and the only time my husband would put her videos was when she was completely fussy on the car rides, so I know I’m not the only one whose done that now 😃🙏🏼thank you Amanda!

You are not wrong for saying no. You get to decide what you allow in your home. I personally don’t have a problem with screen time, especially if it’s educational (though it doesn’t always have to be). As long as the kids are getting in plenty of active and imaginative play, I have no problem letting them watch tv or play computer games while I get things done around the house.

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Oh yes! I can understand that perspective. When it comes to getting things done around the house then parents do what they have to do 😊Yes, we try to do the most in entertaining her with active and imaginative play, etc. Great info! Thank you, Taylor!

Personally, I think kids should be exposed to elecronics ... with reasonable and enforced boundaries. They live in a world that requires these devices be almost second nature to them - in school and professionally they will have to be proficient. That said, just like with snacks, you need to teach moderation and healthy habits! This is actually an excellent time to get started 😉

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I can totally understand that perspective. I sometimes feel I’m in a bit of a pickle because we do live in technologically advanced times. They should be aware of electronics and stuff. That’s where I am stuck. Oh yes, definitely we have begun the moderation-teaching 😃🙏🏼 Thank you, Kristie!

I think it's all personal opinion. Our tv is always on but it's rarely just directed to her if that makes sense. We are a very technological family (my fiance is into IT) so we knew she would be exposed early, but you are momma, do what you think is best for your little!

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Thank you Savyy!! I do agree on it being personal opinion. I’m so stuck in deciding where to draw the line and if I even should that I get all clouded with how to even approach it lol Oh yes! That makes sense! Now that I think about it, we do the same! Well have the TV on as like background “noise” LOL!

TED talk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BoT7qH_uVNo TV affects babies’ brains, and not in the way that you want. Shows switch camera angles too often, which messes with their attention span and development. (When I have to use TV for sanity, I keep it short and choose slower shows. Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood is better than Baby Einstein.) More good explanation: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/Media/Pages/Why-to-Avoid-TV-Before-Age-2.aspx Even having it on a lot while you talk to the baby can mess with them. Also TV doesn’t develop their listening-only skills, which are important in school when there won’t be a visual for everything. (😱) https://www.raisesmartkid.com/pre-natal-to-1-year-old/2-articles/22-the-effects-of-tv-on-baby How to break TV habits: http://www.janetlansbury.com/2012/07/how-to-break-your-toddlers-tv-habit/

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(Cont’d) I feel like some of us may really need the TV break sometimes. But knowing all the things above can really help keep TV to a minimum. Like certainly less than an hour/day under age 2. Some days (like people mentioned, when you’re driving on a long trip to move homes), you may really need to go over. But the goal most days is ZERO. Hopefully there will be more suggestions from docs about what TO do when we need that break!

Morning. I haven’t read everyone’s replies because I was to be authentic in my own and not comment on what others write. Screen time is extremely important for several reasons: eye development, social skills, physical development (fine and gross motor skills) and vocabulary. I think the most important is eye development. My best friends daughter is 5 and was diagnosed with a 90% lazy eye directly associated to her iPhone and iPad screen time. There are studies and research that prove that prolonged watching of these items cause one eye to loose muscle tension and ability to focus. Their eye and brain connection is still developing and they end up focusing and using one eye only on these tiny objects. Docs recommend 15 min increments with a total of 1 hour max per day. In our house our son was addicted. And it’s like a drug addiction. People says it’s crack for kids and it’s true. But like anything it takes several times of saying no and sticking to it for the kid to move on. Good luck

Your kids, your rules. Most of my friends kids are hooked on tablets or phones pretty early on (some even at 6 mos). I’m probably the only one in my circle who didn’t introduce it til my toddler was over 2. I also limit it to listening to music (pandora), scribbling & some simple games. Things she has to actively participate, not just passively watching a youtube video. I think i’ve read that it may cause ADD in children if you introduce it too early.

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Yes I feel that you are so right about the ADD !!

It’s not wrong. It just needs to be monitored and restricted. I try to let my son have it for 1 hr a day as long as his room is cleaned. And on the weekends, I allow him to do chores for extra screentime. Each chore equals an extra 10-15 mins. I found this idea on Pinterest :)

The research suggests no screen time under 5 years old. The child's will is developing at that age and introducing instant gratification at this age is gonna make their life more difficult as they get older and have more complex needs.

The TV is always on in my home but it's really as background noise. The kids zone in and out of it but they aren't screen zombies. As far as like tablets, they can use ABC mouse once a day and it's only when I'm eavesdropping because of the sick crap on YouTube. I don't think it's a bad thing as long as they're still getting plenty of playtime and physical activity. Whatever relief we can get, utilize it!

I’ve read an article (sorry can’t share, its in French), stating that screens should be a no no before age of 6. I know it’s hard to avoid in the world we live in though. Good luck with everything ♥️

The tv is mostly just backround noise in our house unless i have Pocoyo or Moana on. Then i get things done and she's sucked in with not a care in the world.

I say all things in moderation, and that will ultimately be up to you. I feel that screen time should be extremely limited until age 2, and then still not a common thing. My goal is to have a teenager who does not always need a device in his hands and knows how to communicate face to face. I also read this article today about the effect of devices on children and teens: https://www.yourmodernfamily.com/scary-truth-whats-hurting-kids/

Let her watch her videos in moderation like everything else maybe twice a day for 30 mins or give it to her as a reward when she does something good or goes outside without having a tantrum

My daughter learned a lot from YouTube videos we made her. She learned shapes, letters, counting, animals, and even sign language. I don't think it's so much that they are watching as it is what they are watching. Do what feels right to you.

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My 9 month old and I FaceTime my mom from my phone. I sometimes let him watch kid friendly shows such as Sesame Street or Doc McStuffins. My husband and his other grandma (who watches him while we work) often have tv going in the background while he’s playing. I don’t particularly like that, but that’s how it is. My husband and I are adamant that he is not allowed a smart phone until middle school. APA advises against screen time, as commented by other uses. However, I also cosleep sometimes, which is also discouraged by APA. If you need to have it on, I’d suggest playing with her as it’s going in the background.

There are some great educational apps, and as long as you have age appropriate/parental settings/etc... balance is key. It’s totally fine! Modeling a healthy relationship with electronics will also encourage proper ‘screen time’.

I grew up with video games with my two brothers. Then onto computers. I’ve learned myself to become dependent on my computer. After having my daughter and introducing her to tablets at a younger age (2-4) then computers (6-7) I know the exactly what I’ve gotten myself into. it’s a fight, a fight I already know I’m going to lose because I’ve lived it before with my own parents. I’ve begun limiting her time on the computer and tablet. I myself have limited myself too. There becomes a degree of unhealthy that I’ve realized we passed and I’m moving forward to make sure it’s being helped. Advice: Limit the time. And start now when they’re young. They’ll be quiet and play nice for a while and you’ll say just a bit more won’t hurt, but it could. Limit them and be strict about it. Cause it’s extremely hard to turn back once the dependence is there. 💟

I'm the mom that didn't want them to have hardly any screen time... But they do. My boys will be three in August. I don't let them just watch anything and we try to stay away from cartoons and things that don't actually teach a lesson. Their FAVORITE show is Little Einsteins. (If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's awesome. They have it on Netflix and you can also buy episodes on Amazon Prime.) They discovered Super Why at a friend's house so they'll watch that sometimes. We also love watching family movies together. We randomly came across Boss Baby on Netflix and the boys LOVE it. Here's the thing: everyone has an opinion. You know what's best for your child. Personally, I feel like as long as they spend more time playing, learning, exploring, reading, etc. than they do watching TV, they're fine. :)

My 3 year old is hooked on watching “tv” on my phone. I think it’s a positive thing if they are watching educational things, ex: baby Einstein’s, nursery rhymes... etc. although you are momma, you know best!!

If you are not okay with screen time, your viewpoint does need to be honored and respected. Remind your parents and in-laws that you love them and that you need them to follow your lead. Our pediatrician guided us through this topic and said simply this: no screen time for kids 2 and under. Once your child is 2, a maximum of 30 mins to 1 hour is okay but if you can avoid screen time all the better. Our doc said, and I quote, “It scrambles up their little minds.” There is a behavioral difference if my daughter watches too much vs. not at all. She’s much more difficult if I’ve over indulged her. Whenever I expect my in laws to not listen to me about screen time, I’ll go on a screen-tox (no screens at all) for a day ahead and after and will say “we need a break from the tv.” Something short that she can reiterate and overall understand. Look into Montessori about child development- I think that may line up with your values. Sending you supportive vibes mama!

Zero screen time before 2yrs, are the recommendations I've read. Of course sometimes handing a cellphone for a second or something but not actually try to get them into it. If you're not comfortable with the screen time then limit it before it's outta hand good luck!

Girl I have struggled with this issue as well. My daugther has learned alot from watching learning kid shows but what I do is if she starts throwing a fit for it then she doesn't get to.. And i also dont let her watch it non-stop either

My husband and I have flat out told our parents no videos for our Bubs until we allow. Bubs is allowed 30 minutes some days if I absolutely need him to be occupied while I’m doing something he can’t be involved with. And he loves being outside and playing with his blocks and puzzles more than sitting in front of a screen anyway. Kids learn more by interaction than “Baby Einstein” when they are so young. After around 4 I think is when the “Baby Einstein” type show are more conducive.

My kids are 6 and 7, my step daughter (for all intents and purposes) is 5. Each of them have an iPod Touch with games, music, you tube, whatever else they do on there. (My eldest daughter uses it to text/ call me while she is at her dads house or I’m at work). I don’t see an issue with it at all. As long as they had a good day at school, homework and whatever else I’ve asked them to do is done, I’m fine with them using them in the evenings. My 6 year old son also has an Xbox in his room. He self limits with it, if he wants to go upstairs and play games for an hour, it doesn’t bother me in the least. I agree with the majority, as long as it’s not out of control, there isn’t a problem.

It’s not suggested because of over stimulation and can lead to problems later in life. We give maybe 30 minutes spread throughout the day to watch an educational cartoon. Loves little baby bums!

My daughter was the same way at that age and I felt the same way about it but whenever i wasn't around whoever was with her would let her have it so i told everyone no more and it made it worse. Now shes 22 mo and I decided to let her have an old phone that I've disabled everything except educational games. I figured, if shes going to do it she should at least be learning. But I dont just give it to her whenever she wants it, I make it a privilege. For example, if she uses the potty or eats all her food then she gets to play games. If I feel like shes spent too much time playing on it or she starts acting up i take it away. I still dont like it, but I feel like if I keep it under control and shes not just "binging" on it, it won't be an issue. However if it does I'll eliminate the problem all together. I'm not saying it's the best solution, but in this day and age where everything is electronics, it's the only solution I've come up with that keeps us both happy and sane lol

Preschool prep. It’s a dvd set that teaches them colors numbers shapes everything from 6months to 6 years...most schools are implementing iPads and tablets so sadly we gotta fave that fact. I’ve come to the conclusion 2 hours a day is perfect for everyone. Mommy gets free time kids get education and then everyone plays outside or does physical activities.

The good thing about them are that they are learning and they don’t even know it. But my 4 year old is hooked on tv and wants my phone constantly. Some days I’m like no phone because she runs it dead and the tv she gets it all the time.

Your concerns are valid. I think this is a dose makes the poison kinda thing. Your mom should respect your wishes with your child. End of story. If she isn’t one of the primary caregivers and isn’t spending hours upon hours per day with your child there is no good reason for her to need a break using screen time. Your husband is also one of two parents of your child so that one is trickier. It’s a discussion you have to have with him and perhaps determine together what the limits are. In our house we don’t do hand held screen time unless it’s FaceTime with grandparents or other extended family. We let our daughter watch some shows on an actual television though, but I try to limit it to a show or two per day on weekends mostly. If I left it up to my husband the tv would be on in the background 24/7 so we had to have a talk about limiting screen time to when we really need a break. Good luck!

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Imo screens aren't particularly worse than paper. Content is what matters. If my daughter wants to read books or whatever on a screen rather than paper that's fine with me so long as the content isn't objectionable.

Too much is, yes. This is one reason so many kids fall behind.

In my opinion, it’s better if you can hold off with screen time for long as you can. I’ve heard that it is toxic to babies when they are just developing. I don’t even watch tv... tbh. However, everyone has different opinions and do what suits them the best. Here is a link you can read that may help you decide if you want to continue with her screen time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.littlethings.com/reasons-not-to-give-children-technology/amp/

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Thanks Lena, that was a very interesting article.

I think you’re completely correct in not giving in. There have been so many studies on how screen time can be as addictive as cocaine. My child is not allowed to have any electronics. It makes me crazy when I see kids walking around with phones and iPads.

I don’t suggest it as it’s known to cause developmental delay, rapid eye movement, seizures and it takes away hands on interaction between child/mom. While it’s quite stimulating and convenient kids become so reliant on them that it’s almost necessity for them and they can’t go without one. So when you’re in public with them, at the doctors office or on vacation and batteries die or they misplace it lord forbid they have a full on tantrum. I have witnessed first hand this happening every time I go out anymore. So sad 😞 Now that being said if 30 mins to an hour a day you wanted to use the tablets/iPads with them as a teachable tool I’d recommend that. As it sets boundaries and they look forward to that mommy/me time.

Kids under the age of 5 don’t have the cognitive ability to differentiate 2D Educational shows from real life experiences, there’s no educational difference in kids who watch all those programs and kids who don’t, at any age.

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