Going back to work?

How are you ladies getting on with returning to work? I work in the west end and have done a few KIT days - and I’m exhausted! I have only been once a week three times and I’m getting stressed out thinking about going full Time In May - the amount of time I will Miss with my little one is actually upsetting me! Mentally and physically I wil be exhausted returning each day from Work that I don’t even know how Much energy i will have for the little time i will Spend with my baby! I feel So guilty!!
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To be honest I never really went back to work full time and instead started a side business to have the flexibility. Working full time was so daunting so I totally hear you and know how you feel

I went back to work when my little one was 4 months old and honestly - it was heartbreaking, especially when I worked with babies his age. Couldn’t stop crying through work so decided I’ll take a break and be a full time mum for a while, because it’s hard to leave my little one at home x

@Bee me too, I went full time when he was 5 months and it was just so hard! I ended up taking a years break during COVID and now I work in a completely different environment (but same field/industry), just 2 days a week which suits me a lot better

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