Feeling so terrible but have no other options It feels like
My daughter is almost 9 months old
We moved her into her own crib in her room a week ago yesterday because she began to pull to stand in her bassinet and we didn’t want to cosleep anymore for her safety. So it has been a rough transition however the past three nights she has such an incredibly hard time with transfers she prior even in the beginning of the crib transfer she would nurse and I would transfer her asleep and she would be good but now it’s nurse then transfer them wake up and scream (repeat like 3 times or so) then finally does but wakes up like an hour later I’m beyond exhausted. My son is with my MiL the next couple nights and I was going to continue on how I was but after an hour of her nursing and being asleep to transfer and immediately waking once transferred I’m doing the Ferber method of sleep training with interval checks. I hate hearing her cry but I literally cannot keep going like this for bedtime I’m so tired I know she’s tired and I can feel myself getting frustrated. I don’t know what else to do I am just sitting and crying as she is in her bed and screaming I just can’t deal with this
Just messaged