2yo taking forever to get to sleep

My son has always been a great sleeper but recently he's been taking ages to get to sleep at night time and that's been making him overtired and waking early in the morning. He'll kind of hang around and sometimes he'll stand up and call for us and we're going in and I don't know if that's the problem. He's also still got 1hr20min nap in the middle of the day which most of the time he goes down really well for but sometimes he's gettig up wanting cuddles. Does anyone have any advice on how to get him to just go to sleep? He's not super distressed when he calls for us or anything but I'm worried he would be if we didn't go in to him
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Sounds like a regression that happens between 18 mnths to 2 years we've had it with our 22 month old its taken 6 weeks to come out of it she would shout for me we reduced her lunch nap thinking it was that down to 2 hours which works for a bit but then got early waking and frequent waking in the night gone back to 2 and half hours and she's fell to sleep qs she used to the last 3 nights and stayed asleep 7 til 7 x

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So you'd suggest taking his nap back up to 2hrs (which is what it was before)? He's 26 months, we've been in this for a little while but I'm not sure how long its been at this point, feels like forever 😭

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