Just saw you’re in Canada, not sure what the process is there. In the US, we typically get a free pump through insurance. I went with the spectra pump that is rechargeable. The one that plugs in was free but I paid the difference so I could move around. I liked it enough.
You’ll prob have to remove your piercings the spectra is great & I would read up on the Medela pump I think some are different then others in regards to strength insurance gives a free one
I didn’t go through insurance and bought a lansinoh pump and it worked great the 10 months I EP for my daughter. I also enjoyed learning from exclusivepumping.com and she’s also on Instagram.
@Kayla did you get the recommendations you were looking for? If you are still looking feel free to shoot me a PM.
You’ll probably have to remove your piercings but spectras and medelas are always good choices.