
Alexa is listening to us?! What do you think? Should we stop using Alexa now?!😭😱

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I mean your phone listens to you to any thing with a mic can over hear and collect data for you lap tops too 🤷‍♀️

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I mean as long as you aren't conspiring to over throw the government or plan an attack you should be fine right 😂

I hate it. We dont have Alexa but we have the Google one. Everywhere. Ev. Ry. Where. INCLUDING OUR PHONES OF COURSE. Totally an invasion of privacy that we opted into lol. I never wanted one but he did...and now it's actually so convenient. I still hate the listening feature. But now if I am in need of emergency services, that b* Google better save my ass and call appropriate parties stat. 😅

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Ohh girl we never said it cared 😂😂😂 I'm just kidding but for real I wonder if it would?

Like would you have to tell it to call 911 or would it do it if you started screaming for help 🤔 now I'm curious

Also, I always joke about it like if my fiance and I have a convo and we disagree about something that was discussed weeks ago, I would ask Google "hey google, replay that argument from Saturday March 16th around 5:30pm"😂

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Does it work 🤔 😂

Yeah I wonder if the government hears half of the shit I say I’m all into conspiracy and I feel like if they were listening I would be dead by now 😂 but I don’t own a Alexa we got an echo as a Christmas gift but never used it.

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