Anyone else just really dislike their partner at times?

Sounds awful but sometimes he doesn’t even do anything wrong but he’s annoyed me or I just think p off or find myself snapping at him. It’s like he breaths wrong or just looks wrong or says something wrong and the thought of him getting in my way when I’ve crap to do drives me mad 🥴but then I feel awful cos the poor man can’t win he doesn’t even do anything to make me feel this way 😅
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Yes.. I have to catch myself most the time because it’s so easy to do so

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I just feel like he just gets in way and does everything wrong and just irritates me even when he’s asleep I’m like look at you fast asleep f*##ing snoring loving life cheeky dog tjen I’m pure fuming🤣

Omg I feel this 🥲 I feel so bad, especially when he's actually trying and just gets it completely wrong lol I just have to walk away. 🤣

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Oh ain’t it bad we’ve been up all night me and baby and he woke up maybe twice and straight back off and today he’s tired 🙄 I was up over 30 times x

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